The Racism thread

This happened in ny ? They’re used to mixed races blacks all cultures, everyone has jumped the fuxking gun here again . The man would want a kick in the bollix recording a woman and her dog .

This post shows a level of bile and hatred also imho.
She is a PITA snowflake, who reacted like a snowflake.
Throwing the racism card into anything puts it on steroids. Sometimes it is justified, sometimes it isn’t.
I doubt very much, looking at her hysterics, that she calmly thought to herself “I’ve a decent chance of getting this lad tasered or shot if I throw in African American”.
I doubt she thought much of anything bar reacting in a hissy fit when she wasn’t getting her own way.
That’s my reading of it anyhow.

Of course it was. But maybe she is mentally ill. Who knows? That’s the point. It’s very hard to have any sympathy for her but I don’t know why lads have an issue with being uneasy about this type of online mob justice and the visceral hatred it evokes in people.

@backinatracksuit would have you believe she engineered this for a public execution. His intention was to fuck her over from the very beginning. It was going up on twitter no matter what was said . He would have tracked down her employer anyway . It’s how these lads work . She wasnt wise enough and fell into his trap after getting so hot headed . It’s a lesson to us all .

We’re only having a chat on TFK, the twitter shit is probably mental but I’m having no part of that, it’s understandable that any individual seeing that could be angry, an African American especially so, they’re only a few generations away from a time in their country when they could easily have had all sorts done to them if they had been just accused of threatening a white woman, the mobs are bigger now but they carry less threat

I suppose in a week where footage emerged of a cop kneeling on a black fellas neck until he died you can understand the fears they have

I think you’re very naive. What she said was very calculated.

Generations my hole. Cops murders another fella last week and the week before two crackers hunted down a jogger and murdered him. In both cases because they were black.

And you know this how?
She struck me as having a snowflake hissy fit.

Why throw his race in?

Agree with this.

Well I don’t know. A description?
Do you think she did this coldly thinking he might get murdered?

I’d agree too. She went up to him and said she would ring the cops and tell them “an African American Man is threatening me”. any normal person, not looking at race, would have said “I’m calling the cops on you”. But she specifically said African American to him and also on the phone three times to the operator even when the operator couldnt understand her, she could easily have a said “a man is threatening me”, but every time she said it, she said African American. She knew what she was at, saying that, to the police has massive connotations, particularly when she shrieked at the end about it. She was majorly putting his life in danger the way she carried on.


I think she mentioned he was African American so it would intimidate the guy. Either way she played the race card.

So did she specifically and repeat African man a number of times because she was was genuinely afraid of him because he was black, or did she say it to engineer a response? Both make her rotten, one version slightly less rotten. You’re hardly naive enough to think she was just attempting to give the police a description?

I didn’t listen to it all that closely but she struck me more as upset and petulant than cold and calculating. She was thoroughly pissed off at him filming her openly, which tbh would have pissed me off too.

Spot on. She knew it too. How Flatty or anyone else can’t see that is beyond me.

This is getting very “A time to Kill” at the end, but would she have said to the operator “A white man is threatening me” if he was caucasion? She would in her fuck.

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Theres actually two separate incidents here.
The first is the incident with the dog.
I dont know how anal or liberal Americans are regarding dog leashing laws but anyway.
Now you can make the argument that

  1. She was breaking the law , should have had the dog leashed and your man was perfectly within his rights to challenge her in the way that he did.
  2. Your man was just being a cantankerous cunt and should have just kept walking.

The second incident arose as a result of her reaction and that’s where the racism kicks in when she threw the tantrum.
Personally in that situation if I was nervous of the dog, I would have asked her politely to put the dog back on the leash and would have gone nowhere near my phone (not that I’d be able to use it any way)
So to sum up, your man was quite possibly being a bit anal in the way he approached her and should have kept his phone in his pocket. However her reaction was way over the top and was indeed racist.
1850715815 was yer hands ye dirty cunts

It didn’t seem like he was threatening her in fairness. But he should have left the phone in his pocket