The Racism thread

If he left his phone in his pocket, the only evidence they would have is a phone call from a hysterical woman who is terrified of an African American man threatening her. How do you think that would have ended up if the cops arrived or if they arrested him?


I dont know chief
Maybe he would have had time to take it out when she started dialing.
Either way, it’s not how I would have approached it
That doesn’t condone her behaviour in any way

The dog probably wouldn’t have bothered you, and you’re probably not a black man.

But he is not the one in the wrong here, why is there even a discussion of his behaviour, you mightn’t like it but he did nothing wrong

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I never said he did anything wrong. I implied he approached it in a manner that I wouldn’t have done if I was nervous of the dog. I did say that her reaction and her subsequent actions were completely wrong

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But not getting all fanny talking, but it’s easy for us to say we wouldn’t react like that. We’re white, if the guards turn up we tell them she’s a crazy bitch and we laugh. If I’m black and in central park where a woman is saying she is reporting an African American man to the cops, honestly, I’m not taking those odds to well.


What are you trying to tell me here?I’m not disagreeing with you that it was blatant racism

If he minded his own business she wouldn’t have done or said anything… He sounded like a right busy body… he’d fit right in with the curtain twitchers @carryharry and @myboyblue

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Just that our approach to it may be different, but that’s because we don’t have police killing us on the threat of hysterical women screaming down the phone calling for the police. I wouldn’t be one for whipping out the phone and videoing confrontations, but I can’t fault him for doing it as I am not in his shoes.


Meh, he asked for her dog to be put on a leash. She tried get the police to kill him.

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Yeah. I’ll accept that. But it really is a sad fucking earth if people of colour now have to walk around the place with their phone cameras permanently on in order to feel safer

The killing by the cops of the guy in Minneapolis shows they do. And the guy out jogging last week shot dead. It’s not ideal by any stretch, but no one could believe either of those incidents if there wasn’t video evidence.


Chill bro

Now, theres no question there and I’ll certainly agree with you that without that video evidence coming out regarding the young fella shot in the park, it would have been buried

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Being killed by a cop is sixth leading cause of death of young black males in US

Anything to corroborate this?

I’m just the ideas guy.

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NYC a lot different from Minneapolis tbf. NYPD uniform cops are 53% from black, Latino (of any race), Asian or Asian-American backgrounds.

The cop that kneeled on George Floyd’s neck should be charged with manslaughter anyway, if there is dangerous act manslaughter or similar charge in Minnesota. But they need to interview and assess why he acted that way. was it a power trip, was he punishing the man for not complying or for struggling, was he reacting to the bystanders shouting at him? Such honesty would almost have to be part of a plea bargain but they need to understand what’s going through some cops heads when they act recklessly to this extent to train them on it. Now this is very different to shooting a suspect running away etc as its excessive force, but not necessarily with lethal intent.