The Racism thread

Just find out did he vote Trump and you have all the evidence you need

The cop tried to claim that he was resisting arrest but subsequent video evidence (separate to the one that’s currently doing the rounds) disproved his claim. Manslaughter has to be the minimum charge on the table

Well of course he’ll claim anything now to get out of it. But I’m saying that’s no use in trying to understand why he would act that way. Maybe it’s racism ie lowered value of someone different as i think laz is tryin to suggest, maybe it’s anger issues, PTSD or something undiagnosed? It would be instructive to know though to help address it.

There was four of the cunts involved in it. One seemed to be from Asian extraction. They murdered the poor bastard

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Yes but they didn’t go out to murder him mike. They aren’t getting paid for scalps. But the way they acted, the recklessness to a life and the main lads callousness isn’t natural. They wouldn’t have treated a white that way. There has to be a reason for that reaction. The four of them in concert, maybe it’s just the us versus them they feel in uniform? Again something that should be asked

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Maybe they didn’t go out to murder him but surely one, at least one would have realised what was happening

That he was dying? I’m not sure, he was shouting pleading, which would have suggested to them he was alive and nothing was wrong, then he passed out pretty quick. It happened so fast plus there was back and forth with the bystanders that the front cop seemed to be paying more attention to, he was the one who should have noticed. It was obviously a really dangerous act. That’s why they were fired also, kneeling along a man is against their training. But why treat someone like that?

I know you and I are in total agreement on this. But for some reason my gut feeling is that it was pure racism that provoked this action.

Maybe it is, but when it’s not an intentional blatant act (as in they didn’t arrive and decide to kill him) it’s harder to wrap your head around. But having one or all of those fired cops admit what they were thinking could be an eye opener for others. Granted every scenario is different.

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Whatever way you look at it, it’s just totally fucked up

There was 3 of them kneeling on him

America is beyond fucked up

He should be tried for murder imho

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How many times has it to happen tho before something is done? They may not have set out to kill him specifically but there’s clearly a mentality that black lives dont matter. I’ve heard the footage is fucked up?

Gladwell’s book Talking to Strangers goes into it.

Says it’s institutionalised via how they are trained/told to operate. They are primed to overreact effectively as a way of policing.

In this incident there was no accusation of violence. I think I he was accused of using dodgy cheques. However policing strategy in America is now one of using overwhelming force.

Other commentary I read was that cops are trained/conditioned to take no personal risks in what can be a risky job so they shoot rather than take any chance and that is not acceptable if your mission is to protect and serve. Cops have to accept some risk and not default to shooting a suspect at a traffic stop because a cop gets nervous.

It’s not bad apples. The system has been designed to create the behaviours.

I agree with you there Mike. The fact that he tried to lie to justify his actions rather than admit he did something wrong shows how rotten he and police in America are. No admission of guilt or wrongdoing and expects his organisation to back him up and cover it up. Total impunity.

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They were all fired

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Because they were videoed. If they hadn’t been the one who killed the guy would have brazened it out and the others would probably have backed him up or kept schtum. Remains to be seen of there’ll be a prosecution for murder and three prosecutions for accessory.