The Racism thread

There’s what actually happened, and what you’re imagining would have happened so


Shush, Glas has his own narrative to push here.

Id say she was infinitely more pissed at an uppity African American telling her off.


But is it not the situation in the states that there’s so many guns out there that accepting risk might mean getting shot? How do you accept risk that could turn lethal for you in milliseconds?

Gladwell does a good job looking into it I think, how excessively pulling people over is what ‘good’ cops are expected to do especially in that case in Texas he examined. But theres other issues at play, PTSD for some, especially those with military backgrounds. But that doesn’t explain the disregard for human life some of them seem to show for some black lives. Is it even conscious bias? That’s why an honest debriefing needs to take place.

Of course it’s conscious bias — that’s what that lady with the dog was trying to play on. America is an extremely racist country - The whole settler mentality - shared with Aussies and South Africans in their day, was built on white supremacy — that still manifests in whites today, be it mild or subconscious in many, but it’s there …

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How do you fix an unconscious bias?

No, there’s what happened. He tried to claim the guy was resisting arrest rather than think, oh shit I’ve done something wrong here, and own up to it. Is is ingrained in them. They think they can get away with it.

You change the narrative I suppose - We’re all a little racist, sexist and homophobic … that’s the narrative we grew up with - but as an adult you get to use your brain and decide what’s right and wrong but it’s still there in the background pushing your buttons.

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You’ll have some wankers comparing Irish Gardai to American police one of the days.

I’m not sure eduction of adults can do that. They are subconscious remember. But kids would react differently.It’s strange having spent time in canada where most people pay absolutely no attention to racial differences in peers to twenty miles south where its palpable.

But then in the police context, in a society like America where you can be a second away from getting shot, how much caution is required, how much risk should they assume? Now the way some of them treat black men is abnormal and a thing that possibly can be fixed, just by recognising it even. And that would have to be done by a police officer talking about their own biases. Twitter only entrenches opinions.

Jesus wept

The cops seemed to act very quickly from the start of the video asking him to move to arresting him within a minute. CNN are going to get great milage out of this. How dumb are the cops or was this going on for a lot longer than shown in the video.

It’s hard to know are the blacks a quiet lot or are they just not organised. If that shit was going on in the north we’d bomb the guts out do London. This is why the yanks have the 2nd amendment. To refresh the tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants.

What do you mean “we”?

Northern nationalists had to arm and defend themselves as they were left abandoned, marginalised and to fend for themselves by the Southern state against a loyalist pogrom aided and abetted by state security forces and British intelligence.


What’s that about kid?

Apologies, I mean ye.

But this isn’t a concerted campaign. There isn’t a policy decision overtly or covertly to kill black people. Some of the police shootings are committed by black officers on black people. And most police officers would never be involved in such a thing. So there isn’t a clearcut them to rebel against.

Guns are the problem so?