The Racism thread

The police are the problem. If BLM had a militant wing that adopted an eye for an eye policy the cops might find it in their best interest to modify their behaviour

As far as I can make out, the cop and yer man who died worked the same club as security. So maybe this was premeditated murder of someone he knew by the cop.

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They’re trying to kill me,” Yossarian told him calmly.
“No one’s trying to kill you,” Clevinger cried.
“Then why are they shooting at me?” Yossarian asked.
“They’re shooting at everyone,” Clevinger answered. “They’re trying to kill everyone.”
“And what difference does that make?”

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Guns are the key aggravating factor. High gun ownership isn’t just an American issue but it changes the interaction both sides.

If a guard comes to the car he sticks his head in the window and says howya, where ye headin ta?

In America it’s a shout of hands where I can see them, no sudden moves. It changes everything that comes after, but it’s necessary.

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By that logic, it’s fair to say all black people are a problem, because some commit crimes. Now some cops in the states definitely have that opinion against all black people but it’s a tiny minority. BLM would not win the eye for an eye battle there by the way.

How long are we looking at footage of black men being murdered by police and Nothing has changed. The blacks need to organise and do like the Ra did with the RUC and UDR in the north, kill them where they live. Stick a few bombs under cars and the like.
Make it unhealthy for them to be murdering black men.

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Fuck it like. You have to return the serve.

Because it’s not that simple. You won’t like this answer but that poor man in Minnesota wasn’t murdered, as in it wasn’t pre meditated. It was a reckless dangerous act. There isn’t a policy of murdering black people, its actual law enforcement thats done wrong or goes wrong

Was it an accident then?

Apparently this cop has killed 7 people in the line of duty

Since when does murder have to be pre-meditated? Is that the law in Minnesota? That’s mad.

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I see the chief of police in Minnesota is a black man.

Not a complete accident, but do you think he intended to kill him?

Fucking hell :grin:

I just saw that there, serious questions to be asked they should have had him at a desk years ago, regardless of how many were justified

how many whites?

in the film Scum there is a character called The Coon

Were they all black or was there a few whiteys thrown in? The cops there kill a lot of white people as well. Putting it all down to racism (which is a factor but not necessarily the main cause of police killings ) shifts the argument away from what appears to be a very aggressive violent culture of policing over there. They don’t take any chances over there and this leads to dangerous cunts being able to hide behind laws to protect justifiable self defence shootings. After a quick look 19 police have been shot this year. Its an awful culture.

I believe found he had the opportunity to kill made the decision to kill.
I see murder.

I thought you were bullshitting.