The Racism thread

So he knew kneeling on his neck would definitely kill him? I’m not sure

2019 Minnesota Statutes

(a) Whoever does any of the following is guilty of murder in the first degree and shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life:

(1) causes the death of a human being with premeditation and with intent to effect the death of the person or of another;

There is also second degree murder (and third) which is most likely what he will be charged with.

Of course as I said earlier he should be, but the equivalent in ireland would be manslaughter and what the lads are suggesting happened above fits in with first degree

This might fit the bill,


(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.

But more likely


Whoever does any of the following is guilty of manslaughter in the first degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 15 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $30,000, or both:

(2) violates section 609.224 and causes the death of another or causes the death of another in committing or attempting to commit a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor offense with such force and violence that death of or great bodily harm to any person was reasonably foreseeable, and murder in the first or second degree was not committed thereby;

If it could be argued he assaulted him,which as he was acting outside his training it could definitely be

I’ve said this before but it’s very easy to understand how a lot of white people in America feel about poor black people because its exactly how most people here view travellers. They see them as stupid uneducated scum who are constantly involved in crime, massive prison population, loud, little respect for the law and societal norms. This is their lived experience and what has been ingrained in them since birth suspicion, fear. EXACTLY how most Irish people view travelers. They actually have the extra factor of an unbelievably high murder rate among black people which is one thing the travelers don’t really have at this stage.
Irish fellas struggling to understand the attitude they have is ridiculous. This is making no judgement on whether blacks or travelers deserve to have people feel this way about them.

That’s a poor comparison. Black people in America have richly enhanced society through their roles many fields such as politics, media, sport, music to name but a few.

Travellers on the other hand :man_shrugging:


They also have a much higher murder and violent crime rate than travelers. I’m not sticking up for travelers here I’m saying the way a lot of Americans feel about black people is the same way a lot of irish feel about travelers. Both have their reasons for feeling this way.

Black culture has influenced the majority of decent music we see around us - blues, soul, jazz, hip hop, reggae.

It’s actually incredible.

The American constitution was founded on a fraud.

‘All men are created equally’

While the very people who wrote it had their slaves and had no intention of giving them up.


" was it Carlin, was it The Coon"?

The heavyweight champion of the world,

And lots of musicians.

Real Traveller culture is rich, they have been discriminated against forever, it is unspoken but accepted in a way that discrimination against coloured people in America is not anymore

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The schools are closed bro.

Of course it is, have you seen what the cunts are driving?

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Dunno, the guy begging for his life, the onlookers could see what he was doing, kept his knee on him for minutes after he went limp, there was no need for it as he was handcuffed and being restrained by other cops further down his body, he failed to administer first aid. It was a murder.

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And what percentage of the travellers population are practising that, dya reckon?

The cop has been charged with 3rd degree murder

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Yeah. He knew what he was doing.

A camera angle on other side shows three of them on him.

It was a brazen murder.

The snooker ball in the sock was some scene

I thought he over did it with three balls, but the sock was equal to the task.

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