The Racism thread

People propping up a divisive openly racist and hateful President is even more nauseating to be honest with you.

It makes perfect sense, but as you are an idiot you don’t get it or want to get it.

You are claiming there should be some standard on the site when it comes to respect for those who have been murdered. There is no standard, given the murder of cops in the US was applauded by some posters. Where was your outrage when that happened? In your warped mind a distasteful joke is more offensive than actually applauding murder.

In other words you have zero credibility, so kindly fuck off with your faux outrage.


We have things called elections mate. if people don’t like the result, get out and vote him out.

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More incoherent gibberish.

I can’t, I’m not Russian


I bought one of those pizzas in Supervalu , the one which is supposed to be of superior quality. “Select” or something like that.
It was fucking rotten

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Everytime I see this thread “no to racissima” goes through my head.

No pineapple, that’s why.

You on your period again.


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Tip ; make sure the over is preheated and the plastic wrapper in taken off

Fuck the police.

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You’re dead to me

Did this involve poor Barry again?

An eye for an eye leaves everybody blind

What’s that oul bollox Lazarus. Stand up sit down shake it etc

Don’t be worrying your big clever big head about it

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Is it some staged emotive shite that earnest schoolgirls take seriously?

If you changed your avatar back, everything would become clearer

Changed it back to what?