The Racism thread

I’m not suggesting for 1 second that people should be held to account more than others. I was highlighting that there would be a perception amongst injured parties that that was the case. And how this in itself can be a catalyst for more racism.

I didnt post the original post about the Carrigaline incident. I was merely saying it was a racist act. I wasnt looking for balance. There is racism in many guises. If you cant call it out for what it is you might suggest an appropriate time where it can be discussed so it doesn’t get misconstrewd as context.

Clear as day that when that’s happens it’s racist. Regardless of background and am, context.


As an aside it’s pretty irresponsible of Twitter that they still have this Carrigaline video up. It’s been picked up in America now and is just grist for the mill for right wing groups.

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I’ve seen nothing to suggest it was a racist act, other than posts from extreme Trump weirdos. And I’ve seen people stating the opposite, but I don’t know if they know either.

What I do know is that the video has been circulated by extremist accounts, retweeted by fake accounts, commented on by fake accounts pretending to support it (but actually just to generate more hatred). And all the while you have people in their cosy lives in Ireland looking for condemnation, as a big distraction from the racism that is systemic in pretty much every society, including our own.

And I despair that people fall for this crap.


Yeah I alluded to that same point above.

Meanwhile in Carlow

There was young lad in Limerick during the week who had 3 lads kick the bollix out if him. His crime was putting up White Wednesday, saying White lives matter,.in his Instagram. Could be seen as incendiary but really, he was just trying to be funny/edgy in response to the Black out the previous day or so.

The 3 black lads who took exception and giving him the hiding do so while screaming about 400 years of oppression and slavery while head stomping him.

That race-driven thuggery? Or just plain thuggery?

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I the cleaning out he got shows it probably was incendiary.

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It happened end of, and as has happened in the past and the racist card is flogged to death lately, it’s clear but if that guy was black last night it would without a shadow of a doubt be classed as a racist attack , if you can’t see this then your ignorance is bliss

what have the police done about this? arrested anyone?

Seems lads video these attacks themselves these days.

It was both thuggery and racist, difference being in Carrigaline last night the white kid didn’t start anything, he was beaten and stsbbed by a black thug,who is clearly off the rails,and continually beat another white teen across the head with a weapon the previous evening in Ballincollig
FYI the kid stabbed is a nice kid,plays football for Ballygarvan GAA,never in trouble, unlike the scum who attacked him

I’m honestly not sure. The three lads are in transition class in school my brother finished recently. Said he couldn’t believe it when saw it. Not sure police have been involved

surely the police and the school have to get involved

You’d hope so and they get charged.

Is it a race crime?

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That’s what he posted that drew their ire.

My ignorance! You thought a beginner’s troll account called Irish General Election 2020 was a teenager calling for black supremacy in Ireland! :joy: you’ll excuse me if I take your bluster and waffle with a large pinch of salt.

Imagine being played for a fool, and then being too proud to admit it so carrying on with the same foolishness anyway.


Think you’re a bit mixed up Pal,that account isn’t the first,or last,and you’re not on the ground to see the mayhem that’s been happening last few years locally, just maybe try googling the echo etc