The Racism thread

You are simply wrong. If you don’t know the basics, or deliberately ignore them, then there’s really no point in debating with you.

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As opposed to Brazilian police shooting them in the favelas

I’m not leading the organisation. I’m sorry you seem opposed to all sorts of change. Throwing Greta and Black Lives Matter into the same post suggests you might be a bit of a crank.

[quote=“Rocko, post:786, topic:24610, full:true”]
It’s a global problem. [/quote]

What groups in Ireland are being subjected to racism? if Irish people are concerned about racism shouldn’t they be protesting on behalf of travellers, the group who have been subjected to systemic racism for as long as he state has existed.

Jumping on the Black Lives Matter bandwagon is a bit ridiculous in Ireland really.


Just an observation kid. Nothing more

How many Black Lives Matter activists in the US have you spoken to? Any I have spoken to tell me their sole issue is police treatment of black people. If they cared about black cops being killed as two were this week, they would protest that. If they cared about 6,000 black murders a year, they would protest that. They don’t want to know about those issues as they are too difficult for them to confront.

You are simply wrong, which is why you are running away under the bed.

This place never fails to surprise. New fault lines appear every day.

Oh it’s the people you know response is it? I mean forget what the organisation say themselves. Forget where they actually spend their money. And ignore the wider issues being protested by many in the US and elsewhere. You know better. Well you might be best off debating yourself so.

What is clear here is we have had two separate incidents of racial attacks on young lads one being an attempted murder in Cork all in the wake of Americas shit show the past fortnight.

The scum in Limerick shouting about slavery too for some reason, an issue that has impacted them greatly

A thoroughly brilliant contribution to the debate.


Debate? You screeching and telling all and sundry to debate with themselves when you can’t answer a question. Fight the power comrade

What do the organization say about the murder of two black men in uniform in the past week? What do they say about the 6,000 black people murdered each year, 93% of them by fellow blacks?

The answer is nothing, because their sole issue is state brutality towards black people in the US. Which I have no problem with, but stop making them out to be something they are not.

Black Lives Matter were formed after the murders of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. Michael Brown was asked by a cop to get off the street where he was impeding traffic, walked over to the cop and punched him repeatedly in the head, then tried to grab his gun and got himself shot. Trayvon Martin was shot in an violent altercation with a Hispanic civilian who was having his head smashed into the ground repeatedly. A jury found Zimmerman acted in self defense.

Black Lives Matter would have more credibility if they did not hold up thugs as heroes. There are plenty other examples that are credible, like Breonna Taylor.


He’s on the ropes.

Here comes that gimp @padjo

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@Rocko what the fook are you doing posting in this shit storm of a thread?


The sheer ignorance and lack of education of some of the groups who have jumped on the BLM group can be seen at its worst here, the monument dedicated to the 54th Massachusetts who were only the second black regiment raised in the Union army many of which were killed in the attack on fort Wagner(depicted in the film Glory) Their monument vandalised by those later generations to which they sacrificed themselves for.


You don’t need to go as far as Massachusetts to see screeching virtue signalling morons…

You don’t need to go to Alabama to see racial hatred either.

Don’t be making points he can’t answer. You are simply wrong remember.