The Racism thread

No, I want them to comment on the murder of black people.

Anyway, no point talking to you, as you refuse to actually confront the questions posed to you.

By God.

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The police should probably look again at this policy decision alright

I played “my lovely rose of clare” on my tin whistle outside Vauxhall station today in front of the protesters, it went down a storm. I told them all to take off their masks too


All lives matter should be the mantra

:joy::joy::joy::joy: you are about as misinformed on this as it’s possible to be.

Also I deleted a post there. Please don’t identify the victim or alleged perpetrator(s) of the stabbing.


Or post their address :upside_down_face:

No, that doesn’t help either, even though it’s true. The focus should be on a fair and just society where everyone is treated the same regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, whatever. The US is actually pretty close to that, except for the poorest in society (all races) who genuinely get a raw deal, and the efforts made to help them do fuck all by and large.

BLM are divisive as they focus too narrowly imo. I don’t doubt that most who are supportive of them have good intentions, even though they believe a narrative that simply isn’t true. There’s about 10 unarmed black men and 20 unarmed white men shot dead every year by cops in the US, shouldn’t happen, but it’s not the epidemic of state sponsored murder that it’s made out to be.

Didn’t /won’t

What’s the black population v white population in the US?


All lives matter except Clare and Tipp cunts?

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Ahhh v good couldn’t work that out, ffs old brain

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You know me too well

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13% black. Depends on how you count whites, non Hispanic whites are 60%, if you include Hispanic whites it’s 72%.

I’m going up to Stockwell now on the bike, I’m going to pay tribute to the Brazilian lad shot dead by the met police

I stood outside the swan and played a reel (the crosses of annagh) a great crowd of Portuguese and Brazilians gathered around in appreciation.


How is the swan going these times Tass ( before Co-vid)

I lived on Stockwell Road one time, the Brixton side. They had a wee shrine to DeMenendez just to the left of the station there. Some dirty rough spots back then but very gentrified now I hear

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