The Racism thread

the last time I was in there was nineteen ninety five for the clare v galway all Ireland semi final, its still going anyway, its a real roaster fest still I believe

its still there, its all Portuguese and Brazilians now in Stockwell

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Yeah, was there when Porto won the champions league. The place went fucking apeshit for a few nights, like some mucksavage village winning the county final

they do a lovely pastry down there filled with custard, I went ape on them there a few years ago

You get a better class of herb between Brockwell Park and Clapham Common than any of the shite going north of the river

My brother works with a guy who said that the closer you get to the equator, the lazier they get, and that black footballers are mercenaries, only coming to Europe for money and to do as little as possible on the pitch, as well an observation that black footballers cannot defend… back West Limk way.

They say there’s a bit of truth to the equator thing but it’s nothing to do with laziness. Colder climate meant people had to find ways to stay warm. Forced people to be innovative. People closer to the equator had the opposite problem. They had to stay cool. Meant those from colder climates had the tools to conquer the warmer ones.

Has Varadkar taken the knee yet?

Wallace Wallace Wallace



cc @myboyblue

I thought this might be about my mate Eddie N Kinsella.

It was my understanding that the direct provision centres are monitored and I thought that I even heard about a league table of the best and worst centres but I have no idea who does it or if that’s all shite.

Really confirms what a horrible cunt Charlie Flanagan is when he’s using the Newsletter to try and score points

That’s an evisceration. Flanagan is probably having nightmares about the acronym NGO.

They’re supposed to be monitored by RIA. they should so be subject to proper tendering as well.

Then again…


Flanagan is a horrible piece of shit

George Floyd
Mixed feelings about it to be honest.On one hand,it was disgusting what happened to him and yet there’s a part of me that wouldn’t have any respect for him after reading of his past.
Pushing a handgun into a woman’s stomach while robbing her house with a few goons isn’t the actions of a morally decent person.And that’s only one of his misdemeanours from what I’ve read.I certainly wouldn’t be out on the streets protesting over his passing,horrific and unjustified as it was.
I’d actually be more disgusted at the actions of the easily offended and mindless sheep rioting/protesting whilst using that incident as a justification for poor behaviour.
“Dance with the devil and be prepared to get pricked by his horns” might be a more honest epitaph for George than the bullshit that we’ve been subjected to the last few days.
Shower of cunts.


I can’t understand the complete glossing over of his past actions really either, and the canonisation of the poor hoor. It’s an utterly dreadful story, but he’s no more a hero than a lad who got eaten by a shark.
He was extremely unlucky to be savagely attacked by a predatory gang. Nothing heroic in that.

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