The Racism thread

You’re not allowed saying anything bad about that man . He is a hero . A father , a brother , a son , a landlord.

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It’s just a very graphic example of the prejudice many have suffered at the hands of police so it lit a fire.

The killing itself, what indication is there that race had any part to play? Chuvin is a sadist as far as I can see

Chauvin, or whatever his name is, is a nasty bastard. My suspicion is he’d have done the same to any poor fucker, but who knows?
Some of the shite the cops have got away with in America recently has been staggering mind you, same as that uucoam who shot the kid with the bag of skittles in the back.

Well it wasn’t the same as that exactly,and that wasn’t as clear cut he was cleared remember.

The cops in the states are primed and trained for violence and can’t seem to turn that mentality off. As I’ve said there are PTSD and emotional management issues there. But there was a real chance for change if they could have gotten a few cops, especially white,to admit they have issues with bias (as does their society in general)but it’s immediately turned into us v them, defund cos that’ll show them, all cops are bastards, and. celebrities falling over each other to preach when they were silent three weeks ago. Might be an opportunity missed.

Theres a bit of George in all of us. Leaba I measc na naomh go raibh aige.

You managed to confuse two events there, and still get both wrong. The bag of skittles guy was Trayvon Martin who was shot by a civilian, George Zimmerman, as they struggled on the ground grappling for a gun. I think the shot in the back lad you are referring to was Michael Brown who was shot by a cop after he punched the cop repeatedly in the head and tried to grab his gun. There were reports he was shot in the back, but the autopsy showed he wasn’t.

As you were.

Ferguson was shown to be a false cause.

Everyone remembers Michael Brown, and he is held up by Black Lives Matter as another hero. They never mention Jamyla Bolden, a nine year old girl who was shot through the head while she was doing her homework in her own home in Ferguson a year later.

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70% of NFL players are black
75% of NBA players are black

Where are the diversity quotas there?

Crackers can’t dance.


Or dunk

Where is the equality there?

Why not donate the bar bill in the dail to blm.
Oh wait that would mean they will have to put their hands in a wallet.

Ah here. Cleared??
I’m actually shocked.
The poor little fucker was shot in the back and had a bag of sweets.
Chauvin would have been cleared if the stupid cnut wasn’t on camera.

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I didn’t confuse them.
Fact is if a black man like that fucking white trash thug had shot a white kid in the back who had a bag of sweets, he would have been facing a murder charge.
Similar police incidents are too numerous to list.
The poor fucker shot like a dog, too dead to defend themselves, was always “attacking the police” first.
Ah look, you are too capital C conservative for me to want to discuss this with. I’ll just get vexed.

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Are you saying that the actions of police should be equally judged with those of criminals?

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He says whatever fox news does the night before.


Who got shot in the back?

Your man in platoon