The Racism thread

:joy: Irrelevant but at least accurate.

Who got shot in the back that had a bag of skittles?

You don’t want to discuss because you are wrong and I will embarrass you again, just as I do every time you post inaccurate nonsense.

Of course not. I’m saying an organization that calls itself black lives matter and the media don’t give a shit about black peoples being murdered unless they are killed by the cops. Where was the outrage and protest about the 23 black men shot dead in Chicago last weekend? Where is the outrage over the black ex cop and black security officer shot dead the week after the George Floyd murder?

The reality is contrary to @flattythehurdler’s imagination, there are 10x more cops murdered in the US each year than there are unjustified killings of black men by cops You just never hear the names of the cops.

You love vigilante white thugs with badges. I don’t.
You watch too much hate filled bile on fox and have gradually allowed your critical faculties to become blunted.
It happens.

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There are more black men shot dead by black cops than by white cops. The few cops I know here are black and share my views. Your views on US cops are formed by shitting yourself in a New York bar when a few of New York cops were acting a bit rowdy.

How many New York cops were killed on 9/11 trying to save people from the towers? How many have died since from related illnesses? Are they all thugs as well?

What’s the name of the black lad who was shot with skittles? Can’t answer can you.


But sure obviously they’re going to care more about someone murdered by a fella literally working for the government who’s actual job is to prevent crime and keep law and order than they do about people killed as part of gangland crime by criminals. It’s crazy to even have to point that out to you.


Try telling the family of an innocent 11 year old girl gunned down in Chicago or Baltimore that her life didn’t matter as much as someone encountering a cop. Either all black lives matter or they don’t, you can’t cherry pick.


So was there not a word of complaint about it, nobody cared at all? What should people do petition for the drug dealer to lose his job and to make root and branch changes to his gang??
Fuck me pink (or black)


Makes sense.

Oh look, it’s the village idiot.

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Hey Cleetus


Which is actually my point, thanks for helping make it. The organization Black Lives Matter are concerned about violence towards the black community by police (as an aside cops work for their cities or states not the federal government). Not once have I said this is not a valid concern.

However it’s completely disingenuous to suggest that Black Lives Matter care about all black lives when they ignore entirely the issue of the thousands of black murders every year (by no means are all or even most gang related), refuse to condemn the murder of black men and women in uniform, and support the kind of mindless rioting and looting we have seen in recent weeks that has destroyed the livelihoods of mostly minorities.

These questions are too difficult for them to face, just as they are too difficult to even consider for simpletons on here (not saying you are one of them, your posts are quite reasonable).

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Maybe do what Obama did and highlight the problem instead of ignoring it?


I think the black lives matter movement is specifically about state violence against blacks. They’d have to have some parameters. Be far too general to be about all black issues. I’d imagine they would claim all the other blacks killing people are due mostly to poverty and inequality but that’s a completely different argument. Maybe they should have thought of a less general name so this ‘all lives matter’ can’t be thrown at them constantly by anti woke lads in tullamore but there you go. I’d say most people understand what the movement is about whether they agree or disagree if it’s an issue.


It’s a spurious argument from those who just want to distract from the process. A bit like those saying you can’t talk about trans issues because we havent stopped FGM yet.

Their aims are very clearly stated as you said. It’s not for white people from Galway to tell them what the parameters of the organisation should be just because it would suit them better.


It’s nearly the only argument I’ve heard against it though which seems crazy to me :man_shrugging:

The argument against them is they are hypocrites when they claim to believe all black lives matter. If all black lives matter why won’t the organization condemn the murders of the ex cop in St Louis and the security officer in Oakland during recent rioting?

The reason is obvious, they support and are actively promoting violent protest and the two black men murdered are collateral damage. Just like all the inner city businesses owned by black people and now destroyed are collateral damage.

But a champagne socialist living in a leafy suburb in Dublin can tell us?

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