The Racism thread

Well there you go. I completely disagree. I don’t think there is enough social and economic mobility in the US (or most places) for everyone to have the same opportunities. I think poverty is structural and is becoming more structural in the US. And those structures, because of historic discriminatory measures, have affected black people disproportionately.

Well done to you. I’m not saying you had it easy but there is a spectrum of these things and the opportunities are fewer for the social and economic classes that have been most deprived.

But you’re not going to change your mind on that so we can leave it there.


Strange you were passing yourself off as an authority on them previously

Not since you banned their chief spokesperson for 1,000 years, you racist bastard.


TFK/BLM are like SF/IRA. I don’t speak on behalf of BLM. But I won’t condemn them.


Can one of the woke brigade give us a definition of white privilege?

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It’s hard enough to define what white is.

Are Sicilians white? Venezuelans and Ecuadorians? Moroccans? Lebanese?

The biggest row over this topic in my house was over actual racist remarks made by a guest who was accused by another guest of white privilege. The racist one was from Iran.

This is brilliant from Chappelle. Would urge anyone to watch.

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The size of the fucking flag! What a dick.

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The GOAT. Any sport

I actually can’t decide whether that idiot was more racist than stupid or more stupid than racist



Is that 8 ball in con air

Watching now, faaacckk

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Special mention to Candace Owens stinky pussy



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Had to be.

That is ridiculous,it’s amazing how easily some people are taken in by this, anything to confirm their own biases,unable for critical thought.

How white America would just love to brush it all under the carpet like it’s not a serious issue. Pay the usual lip service, ‘nothing to see here’ job. Not working out for them too well this time alas


Agreed. Hence the calling out of the celebrities and the attempts to make this about individuals. We had people on TFK actually speaking about George Floyd for context - like anything he ever did justified what happened to him. Chappelle does a great job of tearing that apart anyway.

There does seem to be a difference in reactions to this killing. It’s so horrible, so wrong and the role of the bystanding cops is so important. This isn’t just about Floyd and the kneeling cop. You have the horrible murdering cop at the heart of it. And then you have the complicit support of the rest of the cops in helping it happen. And those guys are the bigger problem. Because they’re the majority.