The Racism thread

Top drawer. Great watch.

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Lads on here saying he worked in a nighclub, he may have been dodgy, Fuck off. A police officer knelt on his neck for over 8 minutes, aided and abetted by his fellow officers. Let me repeat that, a cop knelt on his neck for over 8 minutes, with help from his pals, and listened as the guy pleaded for his mother before he died. Inverted mindsets arguing he may have had a past, justifying it, makes you sick.
Also makes you wonder how many time this happens and it’s not caught on camera.

The overtly racist soundbites from Laura Inghram and the likes, we can see who certain posters get their news from whatever else. They should watch the video again and explain to their kids why he deserved it because he ‘may have been dodgy’


Which posters said that?

With respect I thought your whole point was that BLM isn’t really a worthy cause because black cops are more likely to shoot black people than white cops, because the real reason for police violence to black people was because they encounter more violent black people than violent white people (I know I’m over-simplifying that point slightly), because BLM don’t really care about black lives at all … all those reasons you gave why BLM was not a worthy cause.

Now it is a worthy cause being undermined by rioters? You give the impression of opportunistically moving the goal-posts to give any reason to discredit the movement. Like the “worthy cause destroyed by rioting” line is convenient so long as there’s rioting but if there was no rioting you’d retreat back to your previous arguments about why BLM isn’t really a worthy cause at all.


Quite a few, keep up

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You’re not just oversimplifying my points, you’re misrepresenting them but what’s new. The cause of racial injustice and police brutality is a valid one and the right to protest is a fundamental democratic right. BLM is absolutely a valid cause, but I also have the right to criticize them for their selective bias on which black lives matter to them and don’t. There were 256 black civilians murdered in Chicago so far this year, and 3 black men shot dead by police. The latter three are the only black lives that BLM protest about. Why is that? From a group that claims all black lives matter.

Keep drinking the kool aid.

Fire them up there

Nobody, least of all me, justified in any way the killing of George Floyd. It was a disgusting abuse of power and the cops involved deserve the charges brought against them.

It is also a fact that George Floyd broke into a woman’s home and held a gun against her pregnant stomach demanding cash. That makes him a scumbag in any normal person’s mind and not the hero some have presented him as. Ask yourself what you would think of him if it were your wife.

You seem to have a curious inability to see separate points.


@iron_mike @anon26343222 @Tassotti @anon7035031 etc etc maybe you too?

Well no saying names isn’t much use, fire up the posts where they said he deserved to die. I certainly didn’t.

Haha. I see them as entirely separate points. And I encourage you to have your pregnant lives matter rally about his behaviour. I don’t condone it. In the Chappelle video that I was directly commenting on he makes a similar point that he’s not saying he was a good guy or anything. That’s not relevant.

The separate point (to use your own phrase) is he was horribly murdered by an authority figure and supported by other authority figures. No context required. Nothing to do with anything else. Nothing to do with his background or history. Zero relevance. Just a disgusting act.

So don’t bullshit me with my failure to see the separate points. I can see them very clearly. They are separate. As you said yourself. (But still, still you want to draw them together).


Do your own research, plenty to work with there

Flesh that out a bit kiddo

You never mentioned George Floyd was a doorman in a nightclub?

Fire up the posts where I said he deserved it, and not figments from your warped imagination.

As you won’t find then, for clarity he didn’t deserve it, nobody deserves to be treated like that, especially by a policeman. The only justified police killings are in self defense or saving someone else’s life, period.

No you made a strong claim, are you now saying you can’t back it up. Or in other words you made it up. Do you feel you need to make stuff up to back up your arguments? Or do you like sensationalising them for some reason?

How nice of you to clarify that. His family will be thrilled

Nope, he said Floyd and the cop who killed him worked in the same nightclub and surmised they may have had history. As it happens reporting suggests they had history.

@Rocko, doesn’t justify his murder.

I did back it up though. You can fire away yourself from here seen as your so concerned all of a sudden

Of course he can’t back it up, he learned all he knows from Sid.