The Racism thread

No you didn’t back it up at all, you said posters said he deserved to die, but you haven’t shown any examples of this. Im sure you wish that was the case but imagining stuff like you have seems to be a repeat offence of the left these days.

Good, we are in agreement.

Noticable how they are wilfully trying to reposition their arguements here. The truth gets to all of us in the end

No imagining

Run along now, you’ve been exposed again.

You just saying so doesn’t make it so. In future try make points honestly.

I did. You asked a question and you got a resonse. It wasn’t the responce you wanted though and now you’re getting thick. The response to Floyds brutal murder wasn’t the response you wanted, no doubt those cops didn’t see that one coming either

You made something up, what age are you?


Weak. What did I make up?

Why arent the black lives that were taken in Chicago last weekend ever spoken about?

You said quite a few held this opinion. You don’t have any evidence, but in your mind that’s irrelevant

Plenty of evidence. Can’t be arsed being your gopher. I’ll repeat what I said above, go look for yourself now you suddenly interested. Nice deflection tactic though

If there was you would have shown it. Stop making things up trying to be the wokest on here. Fools like you hunting likes ahead of truth are a massive problem.

Fools in denial are a bigger problem. You can run rings around yourself all you like but addressing the truth will be more benefit to you in the long run

It’s a pretty big claim to make to be fair. Onus really should be on proving the claim.

You’re saying no one on here were claiming Floyd had a ‘history’. Moral equivelence of the lowest order

That’s not what you claimed.

“explain to their kids why he deserved it because he ‘may have been dodgy’”

But he did have a history. The problem is if someone used that as a justification for what the cops did. Now if someone said that, that is despicable
