The Racism thread

Ok, so you claim that was said as justification. I honestly haven’t read anyone say that nevermind names rattled.

You seem adamant.

Its a pattern, a tactic of intitutional racism to deflect and obsfucate, Not gonna work this time

I’d tend to agree, mostly.

But is possible to mention the fact that he committed crimes without trying in anyway to demean the cause or justify any other behaviour. (The cops murdering him)

Its insignificant to the act. But the more information out there the better

I think thats a naive comment if you don’t mind me saying. These are well worn tropes any time a black man was murdered for no reason, bring up anything you possibly can to denigrate and smear his name. No mention of course as to the structures in place as to why black people are so socially disadvantaged in these societies in the first place. No fuck that just shut up and dribble. Helps make us all feel a little less guilty and ‘carrry on, nothing to see here’. The subtext being he was a baddie to begin with so deserved being kneed on his neck to death. Not gonna wash this time I’m afraid

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I don’t think its naive at all. People know he was a criminal and don’t give a fuck, they still are protesting against the injustice.

The people who know he was a criminal and think the killing was justified have no leg to stand on.

That’s a good thing.

I’m too tired for this. Good night

Thank god we live in a beautiful country that hasn’t any of these problems.

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This is your level now @maroonandwhite

Thank god , and our brilliant local community we dont suffer any race discrimination. God bless Ireland

Away to the leaba like a good lad

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You missed a response.

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Catching spelling mistakes now. Easier than addressing an issue I suppose

Ireland has made a home for every nationality. Every worker has so much to offer . That’s how I see my country. It doesn’t matter the race or creed or religion or if not any , once you contribute you are welcome . Same as American policy . But once you start murdering , raping , robbing , shooting, ya you got a problem . They have identified a particular culture doing 40% of this .

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If you spell the same word three different ways in the space of a paragraph it most likely indicates a certain lack of clarity

You’d get more respect if you ever had a real opinion than snipe the rest of your life away on the INTERNET

Sniping is a noble TFK pastime


My view is we’re all people @Lazarus

There is a deep sickening rascist piece amongst some Americans, its blatant, I’ve witnessed it first hand and it does begger belief, what bothers me though is this worldwide “guilt” that’s being pandered about.

I can tell you sincerely anyone thinking the majority of Irish people arent 2 generations back from severe poverty and racism ourselves are off their heads.

Skin or hair colour should not matter in this day and age. All lives should matter end of.


Learn how it’s done then. Try studying @balbec, otherwise leave the serious chat to those who can

Christ, everyone agrees that Floyds murder was wrong and disgusting that is not the issue, the point is some including myself find it disgraceful that the victim is being held up as some sort of pillar of the black community and a type of hero when clearly he was a piece of shit in his own right.

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Try forming a coherent sentence, we’ll trouble @balbec with the results after