The Racism thread

Is he though? I haven’t seen much of that. More that he was the straw that broke the camel.

Mind you who can definitely say chauvin wouldn’t have also knelt on someone of another race the way he did, in its own right nothing definitely racist about it. But another violent act against a black so interpreted as so which is understandable.

He’s a victim.

He’s not been held up as a hero or martyr for his life, but for the circumstances of his death, it’s the circumstances of how he was murdered are being held up.

Nobody is claiming he is a hero for his actions. Thats a straw man

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At the end of the day , I’m irish . I dont apologise for not giving a continental fuck about the U.s of A weirdos the whole lot of em . George floyd wouldnt have the same treatment here . NO . He would have been out on bail for 300 quid . Woke nationally we have like Lazarus, piece of shit I wont tag him .

Thats an informed view alright.
Its the institutional racism and conditioned mindsets thats the issue. To say all lives matter is sidestepping the problem. Of course all lives matter but not all have institutional structures borne out on high to then filter down below that repeatedly cause certain communities to suffer up and to the point of being murdered by the very people sworn to protect them. You see the difference there?


If I go to an African country what happens . I get stared at dont I. I get stared at so much its uncomfortable. What gets me through this is my mind . What does your mind say when 1000 black people are looking at you in an airport in Ghana.

Cops kill more white people than black people in the US every year

I honestly do mate, but the same injustices are here too - main difference is we have dont have a gun culture and the Gardai are generally decent enough in fairness to them.

In terms of social disadvantage, there are parts of this country that mirror the states in relation to single parent families, unemployment, lack of 2nd level education etc

As much of a problem that racism is over there, its the availabilty of guns in my opinion currently thats driven it mad altogether.

I alao dont think we have an outright racism problem here thankfully to be honest, historically we never did - its certainly nothing like whats happened in the US of late anyway.

I think 10 black people died by shooting incidents.

6 had guns on them out of 320million people

10 unarmed, not overall. Though the ‘justified’ killings seem broad you’d imagine less lethal could be used a lot more in those armed with knives etc

The documentary 13 has plenty of clips towards the end that are even more shocking if that’s possible. It’s utterly horrific. There’s a pretty much identical episode “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe”, and three or four fat white redneck cops on him, one with the full weight of his knee on the lads head and neck. The clips are all shown with the permission of the families. How lads can reckon it isn’t race crime and, at absolute best, second degree murder, is beyond me. It’s incomprehensible that these things seem to have been glossed over completely in the past. It’s incomprehensible that that venal stupid yet cunning vicious bigoted moron is in the White house.
It’s a very sad programme
I’d add that I watched the second half last night.



Cheers pal

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Aw cheers pal

Imagine thinking that is a useful point to make. I’m not sure if it’s wilfully or unconsciously stupid. But it’s stupid nonetheless.

Black people are proportionately far more likely to be killed by police than white people. They are also less likely to be armed when killed.


You’re some tit



There will be a blood bath in London today