The Racism thread

all the big hooligan firms from London are heading into to meet the BLM protesters, heads will be cracked open

Do you have anything to play on the tin whistle that might diffuse tensions? A duet with Fintan maybe? Actually did you know that @Appendage and I played a Mozart piece together on the recorder for our Junior Cert Music practical in 1997?

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Are Millwall going ??

Millwall are pussies

yeah, London Bridge will be proper tasty later

I have a scene in my head similar to when Tom Barry’s piper belted out battle tunes while the Kilmichael ambush was in full swing.

@Tassotti perched a top Nelson’s column playing the lonesome boatman while a battle rages below


I was a replying to a quote that said certain communities ended up getting killed due to institutional structures when that is clearly not the case. To quote it on its own doesn’t show that but that’s your ‘debating’ style, changing meaning or whining that people don’t agree with you.

Police are more likely to kill people in violent interactions. Seeing as you’re a fan of proportionality now how many robberies and murders are carried out by black people in contrast to white people,and how many assault s via a vis one on the other. Ie how many violent incidents are we talking about? Need me to spell it out for you? Well, actually.

The truth is there isn’t some massive discrepancy in blacks getting wilfully murdered by police thats not happening at all to whites and latinos,but you suggested there was previously like a complete dimwit. The issue is everyday policing and stops and searches and bias etc. and that in some cases leads to killings that could be avoided.


Lads there is only one flag worth tearing down and it should never be raised on Limerick soil, the brave men who fought to rid it from our land should be honoured too.

Never forget.


I quoted your entire post. Nobody had said that there were more black people killed by police than white people. You came onto the thread like a thundering eejit to introduce a completely misleading quote out of context. And when I highlight the level of stupidity that is dripping from such an inane contribution you start whinging about context.

There is a massive discrepancy between blacks getting murdered by police versus white. You want to explain why there is a discrepancy. Even if your reasoning was sound (spoiler: it’s not), explaining why there is a discrepancy does not remove the discrepancy. But I expect that logic to escape the grasp of your narrow mind.

Your reasoning is shallow and even manages to conclude that one of the reasons blacks are killed more is because of “bias etc.” but this doesn’t mean there is a problem with blacks being killed more. Oh to have a mind as sharp as yours.


that is an excellent post

Hang on, hang on.

Refusing to condemn the murder of black men and women in uniform???

Do you think they’re supporting the riots because they’re refusing to condemn them too?

You refuse to condemn a lot of things on here and argue that doesn’t mean you support them

You are basically saying you want the BLM movement to do the US governments work on racial issues. Kind of like outsourcing is it?


For the racists. Ambrose and special Olympics and the ulterior motive will be along to like it shortly.


No to racism.


@Malarkey had a great post years ago about being on the Ballyhale Shamrocks bus going to a county final and they had a piper on the bus and all of a sudden it made sense to him why soldiers were led into battle by pipers.


Bag or uileann ???

Bag of course. An uileann piper would be as useless as tits on a bull going into battle. He’d need lads to carry him on his stool into the fray.


The post was an answer to a point raised that only certain communities get killed by police,I showed that’s bogus. You can’t argue with that so are getting very touchy.

Massive discrepancy? What figures are we talking? My reasoning is that shootings happen usually in violent or armed incidents,are you disputing this? The above brainless rant doesn’t answer this point or doesn’t make any just shouts, are you not able to form an argument

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What percentage of unarmed people shot and killed by the police are black, and what percentage of the general population are black?

Those are the relevant figures.

The moors had a good run at raping and conquering all around them for 100s of years . That was all until the good Christians got their act together and drove those bastards home. Hup , hup I say.