The Racism thread

I did but it doesn’t let me read peoples minds. But you can?

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He can see the valid arrest attempt but that’s about it I’m afraid.

What should they have done with a violent suspect armed with their tazer running away?

That’s without even knowing what happened off camera.

Not shot him. Which is abundantly obvious to anyone with a hint of intelligence.

No i asked what they should do. I know you’re afraid of questions usually but try hard this time. You’re safe behind the screen.

They are so quick to defend the shooting dead of a defensless black man in the back. I’d say they voted for Grealish and their concience is beginning to gnaw at them a little, no other logical explanation

You may have mistaken this for a police tactics discussion board. They shot him. They quite clearly should not have shot him. That’s the issue. It’s screamingly obvious.


Jesus you are some coward. For the final time,as you fancy yourself as a know it all,what should they have done in that situation? Even having all the time in the world sitting back thinking you can’t give an answer?

It’s entirely irrelevant. Run after him, call for backup, fill out a lost tazer form. Not shoot him.

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No it’s not irrelevant it’s the split second decision they had to make.

Run after him, yes,but he was stronger than them,had a tazer now and wasn’t all of a sudden going to comply. If they lost another fight to him.or he tazered one of them,what then.

Call for back up, obviously but they couldn’t let him escape, that seems lost on you.

Fill out a lost tazer form. Jesus. Form wouldn’t be much use if the tazer is used on an innocent person as they let him escape.

Not shoot him. Might be found to be the case,but it might also be found justified with all factors considered.

Jesus suffering Christ. You’re a moron

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Yeah your one attempt to provide an answer was swatted away with ease. I can see now why you run away from real debate.

So resisting arrest is OK with the loony left on here now?

I don’t think he gets sarcasm. One of the main problem with cops in the US is that they’re hiring the wrong people.Theyve gone mad hiring ex military.Sure them lads are only mad for violence. I worked with plenty of them in NY.The smallest thing would set them off.

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No more than shooting dead a defensless man in the back is fine with the fruitcake right

So that’s a yes? Thanks for clarifying.

Is it punishable by death?

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He’s talking about lost tazer forms like a fucking halfwit.