The Racism thread

Welcome back kev

If I was in any state in America and was mad enough to not only resist arrest but run off with their taser id be fairly sure id be shot on the spot.

You couldn’t give a legitimate answer just that idiotic dribble and some virtue signalling. A beaten docket

And that’s ok with you?

Did you read the other idiot convinced it was racist?

So you think resisting arrest should be punished with death too?

It’s America fuck with the law and you will regret it one way or another. Everyone knows how trigger happy they are.

Theres a bit of clarity here alright. Shooting defensless black men in the back, kneeling on their necks until they die all good with you

Making up lies now, enough said.

So you’re blaming the guy that got shot because the police like to shoot?

And away we go again. They couldn’t let him escape violent and armed with their tazer. They had to stop him. That’s the cold reality now the way they went about it is in question

Defending racist murder now too

What did he think the end result would be?

You’re sick

Not getting killed.
Ya blame trump that kap didn’t find a team . If he had half the talent of brady he would have found one .

Well he guessed wrong then.

They could have ran after him maybe?

And when they caught up with him,what would have happened?

They could use their extensive training in subjugating violent perps in a non lethal fashion. Read him his rights and booked him.