The Racism thread

Did you watch the video? He’d already fought them off and taken their tazer. You think they’d go for round two and hope for a better outcome this time? And if they got a worse one where would they be

Not dead

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Why did the police chief resign you think?

How do you know?

Because fuck wits like you would have been screaming for resignation.

A taser is a non lethal weapon.

You don’t think I can work with a bunch of chav wannabe hooligans in London in the late 90s and a few lads in NY returning from Iraq in the mid 00’s.:grinning:You’re some buck. @anon7035031 will be along shortly

If he grabbed one of their sidearms would they be entitled to shoot then?

Chief of police is a political job, maybe there was pressure put on them or maybe they wanted out of the spotlight. It’s a calming measure for the protests that will come out of this.

Now, please, let us know how you know it was racially motivated

Murdering defensless black men in the back nothing to do with it?

You never told us what Harry Bosch would have done

He fucking didn’t though did he? Jesus

You are avoiding the question.

The question remains even if it was a political job why resign?

The question has absolutely no relevance to the debate. Why the fuck would I answer a question about something that didnt happen when theres visual evidence of what actually happened.

Thats murder. Plain as fucking day

But he had already overpowered them and had a weapon. Him getting a firearm off them could certainly have been possible if they physically tackled him again so it had to be in mind

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Keep deflecting, the answer is there you are just too stubborn to say it.

I answered it. To ease tension and protests I would guess.

Now come on, finally, tell us how you know it was racially motivated

So because one man could get a taser off multiple cops and may possibly have been able to steal a gun off a cop, they had a right to shoot him?

Incompetence is not a defense for murder

If I look at a cops gun and he thinks I’m looking longingly does he have a right to shoot me?

Hopefully the army go in and go in heavy . Looting and rioting needs to stop now . People need to face justice .