The Racism thread

He comes across arrogant to me. But that’s just me. I don’t have a problem with the man and I certainly don’t believe he deserved to be insulted like that.

That goes on to say that he’s back doing it now. Did you stop reading or were you trying to mislead people again?

I wouldn’t have thought he was arrogant at all. I think he comes across as very kind and good humoured. This is a lovely moment too


Makes no sense given Wright rated him 3rd best player of modern era only a week ago but it would be a current reference for a deranged lad

Midgets whipping horses round a field is all this fella knows anything about.Anyone who follows soccer knows who Ian Wright is ffs.


Ian Wright is nearly 60 now. I presume he’s retired 25 years at least. Nobody under the of 30 knows who Ian Wright is bar being shaun and Bradley’s dad.

Celtic great

I remember him scoring his 100th goal , I loved watching him on sky sports, was an era when players were like gods and they loved their clubs and the clubs loved them . The passion is all gone out of football now , its greed .


It is slightly amusing to see the Brits asking the club to terminate his contract / sack him…

According to this Arsenal fan in the know the bould Patrick works for John Mitchel’s GAA.
It explains a lot really.

“ Mitchel claimed that slaves in the southern United States were better cared for and fed than Irish cottiers, or industrial workers in English cities like Manchester. He was explicitly racist, saying negroes were “an innately inferior people”[21] and opining “We deny that it is a crime, or a wrong, or even a peccadillo to hold slaves, to buy slaves, to keep slaves to their work by flogging or other needful correction. We wish we had a good plantation well-stocked with healthy negroes in Alabama.”[22][23] In correspondence with his good friend John Kenyon, he stated that he wanted to make the people of the US “proud and fond of [slavery] as a national institution, and advocate its extension by re-opening the trade in Negroes.”[24] He claimed that slavery was inherently moral and “good in itself” and stated that he “promotes it for its own sake.”[24] Mitchel’s views on slavery were very unpopular in the Young Ireland movement as a whole.[25]

Hang him


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I just asked Mrs Mac’s 3 nephews who are aged 27, 24 and 20 there if they knew who Ian Wright was. One knew of him as Arsenal’s top scorer before Henry. Another knew him as a lad who played for Arsenal and Palace. Another knew him as the loud mouth gobshite with the weird fat lip.

Mrs Mac’s niece who is a twin of the 24 year old nephew didn’t know who Ian Wright was.

So it’s fair to say that 75% of people aged 20-30 know who Ian Wright is.


I just threw it into my hurling what’s app group. In fairness it was mixed but you have lads from 17 to nearly 40 in that. I don’t think people realise how little lads watch match of the day anymore.

Some player

So you’re a hurler now? This is a new development


I wouldn’t say I’m much of a hurler tbh :sweat_smile:

He’s like an onion, you’d be in tears with all the layers to him


:laughing: Did someone put you in by accident?