The Racism thread

What if the first one didn’t work? He had just overpowered them remember

Why didnt they try? Why was their instinct to shoot him in the back? Why are you defending them? The reason is similar

God I can’t keep repeating this for you. They couldn’t just try again and hope for the best,he had already been too strong for them,but this time things might have been different? That was not the way to go. If he didn’t have the tazer,yes I’m sure they have batons sprays etc but that tazer changed everything

Police chief resigning within hours of another racist police murder? Proves plenty pal,you can take your head out of the sand now

No it doesn’t.

How do you know it was racist? It was bad practice and procedures that’s all we know

Because the police chief resigned. Within hours of the event. You can only keep a lid on things for so long

A short range non lethal weapon changed everything?

Do you think he could have accurately tagged a cop with a taser as he was running away?

Who do you think he was a danger to?

You spent what? 3 weeks there on holiday from America junior and your an expert on American police?

Who was nearby?

The cops will have to justify it. Let’s see what said and how it stacks up to evidence. Might not have been at all justified.

But you’re defending the cops without evidence. Why?

Fuck that you’re a simpleton can’t be wasting times with you.

They could have let him off and got him later ffsThey had his car and adress.

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Sure a dog with a stick up his arse would know that. The boys seem to think blasting him in the back was the safest option though

I’m not saying they are definitely innocent. Maybe,maybe not I’m saying there’s more to it. It’s not woke to take the cops position but all possibilities should be explored.

You are saying they are definitely guilty without all the evidence though.

I thought I was a dullard. @anon7035031 will rescue you shortly

Unless the car wasnt registered to him

They shot a man who was running away in the back. Thats open and closed. Why are you going out of your way to defend that action?

Depends what colour you are…

Go back and read my posts. It’s not open and closed and God knows I’m not going through this point by point again.

You’re doing a lot of what ifs to excuse shooting a man in the back.