The Racism thread

Such a blase approach to racism and murder betrays you

Wait a minute,you’ve been saying all night he was shot in the back running away. Have you any basis for this repeated claim?

Putting your idiotic feelings above facts betrays you.

But let’s wait til we know everything,please.

You are struggling badly here, no surprise marrying up with such lowlives as above. Sort your head out.

The silence is deafening.

A man died here for what, a DUI. That’s very sad and the cops fucked up by not controlling the arrest and losing the Taser. Which is what got him killed really. They should be fired for that.

The backtrack begins. Don’t be afraid to follow through here. You’ll be a better man for it

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Be quiet you fool and I mean that. You are spouting lies here nightly, are you constantly drunk?

No backtrack,the shooting might have been justified. the arrest was. They just didn’t carry it out properly.

Look at the video.

A guy was drunk and fell asleep trying to get a burger. He was accosted by police who deployed a taser and then managed to lose a scuffle to a drunk lad on his own. The guy was then running across the parking lot, pissed, and still a good bit away from the cops, he fired the taser over his shoulder, at which point he has no weapon. It’s a single fire, non lethal weapon. Do you think the cop shot him at precisely the moment he shot over his shoulder?

Why are you going to such extremes to excuse this murder?


Firing out insults now I see, when all else is lost what else is there to lose I suppose

How the fuck do you end up rolling around the floor with a lad who’s drunk and asleep in his car? That’s bad policing, not only that, the two cops lose the scuffle to a lad who’s pissed and waiting for a burger.

Racism and incompetence go hand in hand, just look at @Watchyourtoes efforts tonight

You spent all night saying he was shot in the back running away. Was he? If not,retract it.

Accosting? No. Arresting. As for the rest of your supposition let’s wait for the facts,that’s all I’ve asked for. Guessing what happened has got you into trouble here.

I’m pretty sure he wasn’t asleep all through it

He was yeah. They shot him in the back while he was running away with a stun gun. Its blatant.

Let’s wait for the facts so you can try spin it into another excuse for a blatant murder.


Todays hard racist fighting men looked a bit incompetent too in London

No you see the facts stop the lies and spin. For example the lies and spin you’ve been coming out with here all night. You don’t want facts, you want to convict without trial. My god.

Yeah so in the process of waking him up and arresting him, they somehow managed to lose a taser to the guy.

I mean, how fucking bad at your job do you have to be to wake a man up who is pissed, let him take your weapon, watch him run away, fire a single use weapon and then shoot him dead?

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No, the cops convicted without trial mate

Every what if you’ve come out with has lead to the cops shooting the guy. Whys that?

I’m sorry bud, I’ve addressed that incompetence multiple times. I can’t keep repeating it I’m afraid. Just read back.

Calling out racists lies has you in some serious bother. Listen and learn, lashing out at all and sundry is so pre covid