The Racism thread

Write coherent sentences


They can kill someone out of incompetence and it’s possible for it not to be unjust, at all.


@glasagusban going after @maroonandwhite now . Triggered on a sunday morning, I love it .

@maroonandwhite are you mentally ill? Because you are displaying the same traits as the chap you classed as that

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Innocent until proven guilty is relevant to everyone, not just criminals

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America really is the most disgusting country on the planet.

The culture of racism toward minorities and their entitlement to the lives of others with firearms is a toxic mix.

The black people really need to mobilise, maybe the black panthers are needed back because things have not moved on for them.


Fair point art.

Why isn’t it getting extended to the guy who’s dead, here?

The use of a Taser gun didn’t kill the chaps off the Hangover movie so that’s enough for me


Either did the tiger in a bedroom but I still wouldnt like to take the chance

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The Italian on about the bad treatment of black people by another country. You couldn’t make it up

Can you provide statistics on racially motivated killings in Italy?

Black footballers routinely get racially abused in Italy

You’re comparing insults on a football terrace to state employees shooting unarmed men dead?


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Doesn’t address my question.

Google Mussolini. You’ll get all the stats you want

Italy doesn’t have the same issues with guns as America. It is still a deeply racist country

Mussolini was overthrown and hung after his military coup fell apart.