The ref in this camogie game

Was she already on one?

Either way she ended the match on a yellow. I thought it was for a throw but maybe it was for something else

100% should’ve had a yellow for the throw anyway

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The one where they were 2 down in front of the posts to bring it back to 1 was scandalous. The cork girl actually threw herself at the Galway subs legs and chopped her down rugby style. Ref about 3 yards away waves play on.


It’s seems rampant in all Camogie games. You’d need to literally assault an opponent to see a whistle blown.

This fuckwit with the bolloxology speech.

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She did

The ref seemed to just swallow the whistle at the end and certainly didnt help Galway. But the Cork subs got at least 3 points late in the 2nd half and the scores dried up for Galway.

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Thought that alright

Sombrero Cyril there pushing kids out of the way there to ensure he is on tv. A perennial coty contender.


Absolutely. I saw him give awful abuse to a Waterford woman one day in Semple Stadium. As people were stood up in the row she told her young son to walk along the seats behind to get out. Yer man Cyril went mental and gave the poor kid and woman a tirade of abuse. The Guards were called and escorted him away from the section. A total cunt.


Marie Crowe looking very attractive today. Billy Sheehan landed on his feet there. An LFC woman and all.

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Hon Ursula

Well done to Cork. We had to worker harder for our scores and had a few passengers to carry too. How did Rabbitte survive till the last few mins? She did very little today.

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She kept Cork’s best player very very quiet tbf.

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Not sure if that constitutes someone being a scumbag. You see it in every game now unfortunately.

Came across him making smart comments to a losing team as they left a pitch a few years ago. One of my biggest regrets was not confronting him.

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An underrated milf for sure

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I spotted 3 of them… he was slow to make changes.


As Aristotle pointed out we might have been harsh on OR, she had a job


True, true. I suppose I should have just stuck to just referencing her battering people in a pub. Mea culpa.

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