The Roaster Thread

Apparently, along with the orangemen, the names mentioned all share an affinity for the flute

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That’s a lovely grey blazer

The fella on the right had the head of a Thunderbird.


I heard one of the finest roaster stories / yarns again recently on a trip to Murphys in Brandon. There is a well known sheep farmer called peter who used to drink there on a regular basis. You couldn’t really understand what he was saying but the locals spoke highly of him. They used to say him and his auld fella were one of the few sheep farmers in the area that didn’t kill their dogs when they couldn’t go up the mountains any more.

Any way Peter used to go on serious benders after the lambing Season had finished. Maybe arriving on at 12 in the morning and putting down a 9 or 10 hour shift. This would include 13 or 14 pints and any number of shorts. He’d also maybe takeaway a few cans with him when he’d head off home on his quad bike.

There was two other key things about peter. You wouldn’t really know He was pissed drunk whether he was on his first drink or his last drink. It didn’t have much effect on him at all. He mightn’t know what was going on around him but you couldn’t tell.

The other one and unusual for a sheep farmer in his mid 60s was that he had a huge interest in films including modern ones. There was a girl working in dingle that used to pick up DVD’s for him And bring them back to him.

Anyway a few years back peter was well into one of his post Lambing sessions in the pub on a quiet Wednesdays evening when who walks in the door only cillian Murphy (no relation) but a semi regular in Brandon. He was with dara o brien and few of them actor comedian types. Paudie the Owner of the bar was sure to introduce peter to cillian as he was a fan. Anyway they went at it proper hard for the night. I think Murphy was carried out of the place for a finish. Paraplegic from liquor.

Murphy is a bit mad but a very decent fella. About a year later he was sitting down by the fire in Murphys again very early on a Saturday. After an hour or two who walks in only the sheep farmer peter. Fresh and sober. He proceeds to sit down in his usual spot and start drinking. Anyway cillian spots him and greets him “well peter how’s things”. They exchange a few more words and Murphy heads down to his friends. A few hours pass and the Paudie the owner of the pub notices peter isn’t drinking and is very quiet so he asks him is everything ok.

Peter calls Paudie over and says: “your man below there is that your man the actor?”

Paudie says “yep it is Cillian Murphy.”

Peter says “he was in the wind that shakes the barley ?”

Paudie says yep.

Peter says “he was in that film inception?”

Paudie says “he was peter.”

Peter says “he is in that new batman film?”

Paudie says “he is I think.”

And then peter says: “how the fuck does he know me?”

He didn’t remember their previous session together :joy::joy::joy:


Good yarn there. I enjoyed it. Murphy seems a thoroughly alright sort

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Is Cillian Murphy the sound fella who drinks around Dingle a lot and chats away to all and sundry on one condition, no photos allowed?

Would you be a big fan of Dingle?

I love it more than you would ever know.

The best days of my life were spent there.

Cillian Murphy is a regular in some of the old, proper pubs in Dun Laoghaire

I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Went to the local chipper yesterday evening. Big sign on door, max 4 allowed in at one time. This was adhered to until this beaut burst in. Black beanie hat with bobble on ,ears uncovered, black jumper a size too small half way up his back, unbelted jeans, no jacket and obligatory face mask under the nose. He looked around to see if he knew any of us, obviously unable to stay still and eager to start a conversation. One of the other patrons made the fatal mistake of making eye contact with Cleetus. I can’t confirm what he actually said but reading between the lines it appeared to be temperature related as he clapped his hands loudly and rubbed them together.

Thankfully someone had pre ordered his food for him (didn’t seem the type capable of pre ordering and remembering) and was called to collect. The chap held the card reader out for him but our simple friend snorted and grunted ‘cash’. As he left the chap behind the counter was furiously applying the hand sanitizer, two doses to be sure.



He looks like a fucked up Sonny Landham.

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I’d say he loves a blasht of Thundershtruck.


Covid or no covid the place would need to be disinfected based on that description

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Is it Paudie Butler?

It’s some limerick lad who’s always doing steward or gate at matches