The Roaster Thread

Your entire post was a cluster fuck

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It was a great post until that prick pointed out it wasn’t a sheet. Fuck him anyway


Tis a check shirt, no roaster is calling it chequered.



Signing in. I had orange juice in a mug this morning.

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As I said, do you think I’m a Roaster or something? I observe them and mock them, sneer at them. But I don’t behave like one. Therefore, to me, it is a chequered shirt. I agree that to the Roaster, it’s a “check shurt”

ye’d both be wrong then as it is a checked shirt, now the shirt may have a dubious past, but I doubt it

Will ye fuck off ye cunts

TBH you look like a fair roaster in that profile picture. That lad has definitely drawn silage in his day.

TK Red Lemonade, with a soda bread ham sandwich with colemans mustard, a packet of Taytos and then a golly bar between fields if you were lucky that you passed a shop. The lemonade would be a 2 litre bottle that is nearly burning after a day of being left in the tractor. Proper roaster fare.


Warm red lemonade is not of the worlds tastier drinks.

Would explode as soon as you touched the lid

The same bottle would be used over and over again for work, home, football matches etc

Our football manager used to have a 3 litre bottle of ‘Country Spring’ (I think??) Orange for the half time hydration and a slice of orange for each player (subs included) and one for the ref.

:joy: It’s wonder we’re still alive at all.

Milky sugary tae out of an auld whisky bottle in the hay field back in the day.


Country spring yep that’s it. I think our soccer team had a plastic can that might have previously been used to store petrol for the managers lawnmower



Yeah the opening of it was like a sewer pipe

So long as the bottle would still be used for storing lemonade and not 2 stroke mix you’d probably just about survive. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: