The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

No Tim.

Like in every money took over and nobody was every going to be able to compete.

Its true in that sense - you cannot replicate what Leinster have - its very wealthy people pumping huge fees into these schools as a passion project/to get their kids ahead.

The coaching must be amazing though-the players are emerging so polished. The raw material has also been sensational in recent years and that might not always be.

Munster need to go about it a different way - probably involving a strong AIL and hoping their lads catch up on the lads that have been hothoused.

You canā€™t deny talent- the Murrays-Sheehans-Sextons will come through any system. Oā€™Gara was still trying to bury Sexton in 2011!

Iā€™m not denying that talent will make it through but you donā€™t necessarily need to be that talented in rugby. Is it likely that there is such an insane genepool of talent all going to a handful of posh Dublin schools? Of course not. @Tim_Riggins is clearly talking complete horseshit but heā€™ll argue up is down and black is white til the cows come home no matter how stupid it looks.

And yes Munster and the other provinces need to go at it a different way linked to the AIL. Darcy and others have been repeatedly extremely critical of Nucifora for doing nothing to develop the AIL or alternative player pathways.

And yet Munster also have those schools themselves.

They may not have as many, but itā€™s not like all the Leinster ones distribute things evenly. The likes of St Maryā€™s and Terenure have been historically strong but shite for the last 15 years. Theyā€™re coming back now and the likes of Michaels could get weaker.

Iā€™m not saying that Munster should be producing as many players as Leinster, and they should always have a couple, but you have six right now (excluding Wycherley).

Still the Cork schools produce a lot.

But look elsewhere.

There were four players in the Munster squad vs. Northampton who went to a Limerick school or came from a Munster Club. Thatā€™s shocking. Leinster are not far off having more players from Clubs, and we all know the schools are a lot stronger and often end up taking players from the clubs (like Loughman and Carbery).

The problem has been that Munster took their eye off the ball in the late 2000s. That is now being somewhat turned around, as the recent 18s Schools game showed.

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Theyve had a bit of a golden gen in fairness - lads like Sheehan and Doris could play any sport to a high level. Numbers with the 20s lower this year so it might level off for now.

I watched the 20s world cup last year and France were on a different planet to Ireland

No Tim.

In 2009 there was a massive economic crash and the money dried up and it allowed the schools players an even easier path to pro rugby.

Well thatā€™s not solely how it rolls though.

The biggest complaint about Leinster schools in the last decade is that players were moving over from clubs and smaller schools e.g. Carbery and Loughman from Athy, Ryan Baird moving from the High School to St Michaels

What has gutted Munster in recent seasons is the front row- and the way the DeAllende, Snyman, Joey transfers played out. They literally went out and got the 3 best guys they could possibly get and it still went wrong.

Front row is where money needs to be spent and it is where every game against a proper team gets away from around 55 minutes on. Be it missed lineouts or a retreating scrum.

Go out and buy two props and a top hooker - Munster are top 4 in Europe and seriously competitive.

The Irfu has continually pulled front row signings on the basis of blocking player development.

Funny that didnā€™t come into question when Synman signed for Leinster and now Ross moloney last left.

They need to do something on that- Munster will always find/develop players everywhere else to me.

They might need to get creative-look at some Georgians or Uruguayans or some less heralded Top 14 lads. Whenever I watch Top 14 of a Sunday night - every prop seems to know what they are doing and how to survive.

Munster are doing too badly given Leinster have 11 of their best players off the books and have elite level funding at schools level.

Farrells bizarre selections have cost a few players.

They could be doing a lot worse.

I donā€™t think they are as far away as people think.

Harlequins and the way they are going about it against huge packs os very encouraging. Crowley can do what Marcus Smith does and is even steadier.

And yet Munster had post 2010 on their books;

Doug Howlett
Sam Tuitupou
Casey Laulala
BJ Botha
Thomas du Toit
Damian de Allende
RG Snyman

Amongst others.

I can go through Ulster too (Charles Pitau, Kitshoff, BJ, Pienaar etc).

Of genuine class players, Leinster had a retiring Brad Thorn for a few months. Isa Nacewa. Fardy at a push. Not the same calibre, not even close.

We have regularly heard about external investment in both Ulster and Munster. Thatā€™s where it has gone.

Meanwhile when Leinster got it the first thing they did was develop the best facilities in Ireland. Then they also re-signed a Leinster player in the form of Sexton, who Iā€™d remind you left because the IRFU pissed about giving him a central contract whilst ageing Donnacha Oā€™Callaghan and Ronan Oā€™Gara were getting them.

Because Munster failed to invest in their underage structures properly up until a few seasons ago.

You can count your blessings that you are miles ahead of Ulster who have gone from having the best cohort of young players in 2010 or so to shite.

And thatā€™s with a notionally better schools system than Munster.

Thereā€™s a fairness to the English system and a lot of their clubs are turning a corner.

They donā€™t have to deal with Leinster though which is munsters issue which in turn is the irfus issue.

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Itā€™s not acceptable that they havenā€™t been developing them.

When Leinster were producing no second rows, they made a concerted effort to fix it via McEntee who headed the Leinster Academy at the time. They went to all the schools and clubs, tabbing every single prospect from 16 onwards. They were encouraging players to move position and giving them every possible encouragement.

Munster canā€™t just go out a buy players to fix every problem. I accept they need external help more than Leinster, but they havenā€™t been developing enough players.

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Itā€™s an incredible coincidence after Leinsters huge effort to identify more seconds itā€™s three lads who went to private schools that made the Irish international side.

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You mean the English system that had three Premiership clubs bankrupt in the space of a year along with the winners of the Championship.

Not a chance