The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

Disagree. Producing good players will always be important.

Nah. This also likely leads to players getting blocked from coming through as provinces will field the central contracted player.

This isnā€™t a coin based system.


Was surprised to hear that Prendergast had put in the request himself even prior to JJā€™s injury. Iā€™m assuming he knew Byrne Jr was renewed. Ulster seemingly wasnā€™t an option even though they were stuck for a 10 before they signed their new man.

Presume his brother is pushing it too.

I donā€™t know how much sway Cian would have but itā€™s good to see he has enough faith in Connacht overall to not be telling Sam to stay a million miles away from Wilkins.

I think this a late ploy by Leinster to keep him but Iā€™d say a decision has to be made by Prendergast and the IRFU in June. Humphreys is gonna piss one party off regardless early into his tenure.

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Fair play to SP I hope this happens.


Me too. Heā€™d already be a better option than Carty and Connacht donā€™t seem to rate Harry West. Young Naughton can cover OH but itā€™s a bit soon yet.


All this succession planning we were hearing about Cullen and Farrell looks a myth anyway.

They havenā€™t a clue whoā€™s their number ten. Itā€™s fairly clear to me they donā€™t rate Frawley anyway.

Both byrnes arenā€™t international class.

Iā€™d assume jordi Barrett will end up there for all he isnā€™t best at ten.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s Farrellā€™s place tbh. He should be picking the best player available.

There is certainly an element of him orchestrating things but itā€™s a bad idea to put all your eggs in one basket.

Cullen tried to keep players happy by spreading gametime. I think Frawley is a victim of his own versatility, Cullen can play elsewhere so heā€™ll get him gametime elsewhere. The two Byrnes can only play ten so they get picked there.

Ya Harry Byrne was the best player available when he went to New Zealand in 22.

Leinster donā€™t even have that many games anymore and sexton isnā€™t about so Ross Byrne was freely available for every game this season.

Theyā€™ve made an absolute balls off it.

I donā€™t think Frawley is that good a ten to be honest. I do like him as a player but Iā€™d be shocked if he makes a good ten for Leinster.

Realistically Leinster would be grand with Ross Byrne and Sam with Frawley covering if needs be.

Harry Byrne is the lad who should move on really.

Iā€™d like to see Frawley play 12 but jordi Barrett has put an end to that for now.

Also Henshaw (who is def a better centre than Frawley) and Osborne (who is potentially better).

Absolutely. So should have Deegan.

Big mark against Cullen imo.

Thereā€™s push pull factors always and while you want to retain players, there is a skill in knowing when to move people on. Once theyā€™re over the age of 25, they have to have a clear role in the squad and not be blocking people.

Even without Prendergast, R Byrne and Frawley, there is more talent coming through at 10. They miss out on opportunities if there is too many experienced players around.

Ya Frawley might just be overrated on a cameo appearance when teams were getting tired but I do like that sort of lad at 12.

Rangey, Can attack the line and a very good boot.

As Iā€™ve said Iā€™ve outlined this for a long time being an issue for Ireland.

Having feeder clubs in France would be a good idea.

No real need to.

Both Harry Byrne and Max Deegan seemingly did not want to move with other provinces wanting them. They are also well past the days of playing time loans.

There might be thinking with Deegan that with Ruddock and Malony leaving that there needs to be some experience for the week to week fixtures. He has leadership qualities.

The question is why he wants to restrict himself to that. He is still only 27.

For Harry Byrne, it has to be that they think Ross Byrne and Frawley will always be with Ireland and they need two back up 10s. Again for Harry Byrne, bizarre that heā€™s happy with that role.

That is always a consideration for Leinster despite all the annoyance over their representation for Ireland. It means that for half the season they are without a large chunk of the squad.

For Leinster though Iā€™d actually rather bring in a bang average NIQ 10 and ship Harry Byrne out if that is the thinking on needed 4 10s. It makes more sense for Harry Byrneā€™s career and for actual succession planning at 10.

Iā€™d move on Ross myself as he is now completely exposed.