The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

Madigan was a useless fraud of a player. That shat his pants in any game that required a bit of back bone.

Sexton left because he wanted more money and then the Irfu bended the rules and allowed him to play for Ireland when he was in France.

Amazing the way the rules always get broken for Leinster players.

So you think Munster having Joey C, Conway, Beirne, Loughman and others was a bad thing?

When Munster were producing extra stocks and Leinster had Reddan, Ross and Cronin, I sure as hell wasnā€™t saying it was a bad thing.

No tim Iā€™m saying having one provinces seriously advantaged over another is a bad thing for Irish rugby overall.

I donā€™t know if you believe in fairness or equality but I do.

So now youā€™re just going on about the merits of each player. The fact was that Madigan was one of the outhalfs in the Ireland squad with over 30 caps in 4 seasons.

Youā€™re pissing and moaning about ā€œLeinster have 2 out of 3 of the Irish outhalfsā€ when consistently this has not persisted and those players have left to either go abroad or to other provinces.

This is also what you said;

Are you saying that Tadgh Beirne is bad for Munster Rugby?

Iā€™m not pissing and moaning about this at all despite you saying this three times.

Itā€™s a fact imo. It also means from an Irish rugby point of view signing Barrett is not good because itā€™ll be an Irish international player losing out.

Once again, is Beirne a bad thing for Munster?

Murray, Pom and earls all come off central contracts.

Replaced by three Leinster players.

Munster have to make various cuts to playing squad to adjust.

Leinster sign jordie Barrett and rj Synman with freed up budget from central contracts.

Itā€™s serving Leinster brilliantly but for Irish rugby itā€™s not good.

Is Beirne a bad thing for Munster @BruidheanChaorthainn?

Leinster have No 2 and no 3 Irish out halfā€™s. Bad

Munster have no 2 and no 3 Irish scrum halves. No issue.


Canā€™t argue with that, it really has to be addressed.

As Jackman said, we currently have two good teams -ireland and Leinster - and three development teams.

Makes the suggestion of a fifth development team all the more nonsensical.

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Thatā€™s absolute bullshit anyway


The SA lads continue taking the piss (and the money) and paddy continues to fall for it


Bridie has clearly no interest in irish rubby anyway. Itā€™s just Leinster and Liverpool are cosied up there rent free.

Bit unfair really. Kleyn has been a good servant for Munster for years. I donā€™t agree with apples that Ireland should have played him for the sake of Munster, thatā€™s clearly nonsense.


I was busy.

I never said it was bad or said it was unfair. Itā€™s simply a fact.

I think from an Irish pov Iā€™d rather Harry Byrne playing abroad and getting game time.

Leinster would still have Ross, Sam Prendergast and Ciaran Frawley.

I think there should be a rule if your playing abroad and you get a cap youā€™ve two seasons to come back or something like that.

As Iā€™ve said a few times I think I think thereā€™s a log jam of players in Ireland who arenā€™t playing enough.

Itā€™s poor planning that Ulster have flannery and Doak and Connacht have carthy and jj none of who are good enough for Ireland but thereā€™s little they can do. Cerberus and Healy are gone.

T beirne didnā€™t come straight to Munster similar to reddan to Leinster. Thatā€™s what I prefer.

Iā€™d much prefer lads go abroad and prove themselves and come back than moving direct between provinces.

It sounds awful but I think Munster have very good options 4-8 next season and it would be better if pom retired and they invested the money elsewhere. As money is very tight now. I know thatā€™s wrong but in the long term thatā€™s what would be better.

Coombes, kendellon, Hodnett,m and ahern are all good options and need to be playing plenty. Youā€™ve gleeson too coming into the fold.

A draft system would be epic. Supermacs plaza of a wet Tuesday evening. Bit of razzmataz.

Nienaber gave an interview a while back about coaching in Ireland vs in SA. In Ireland thereā€™s a pool of some 160-180 pro players. In SA thereā€™s hundreds. In SA if theyā€™re playing a fella but heā€™s not that great at an aspect, say passing off his left, theyā€™ll just pick someone else that can do it better and move on, they have that luxury. In Ireland they canā€™t do that they have work on the players skills and the clubs do that a huge amount more in Ireland than they do in SA. He said when he came to Munster first he couldnā€™t get over the amount of detail that went into the coaching in Ireland. They really work to develop players here.

That to me would explain how certain Irish players seem to improve a few levels relatively late in their careers.

It also shows that going somewhere else for gametime is not always the answer to improving a player, especially if they go abroad. If a club abroad only has a player on loan for a short period theyā€™re not going to be invested in improving them. Itā€™s worked spectacularly well for some players like Tommy Bowe and tadgh beirne but they are exceptional players. Itā€™s worked less well for others.


I wouldnā€™t buy into that at all tbh.

Thereā€™s only 60 starting places in Ireland.

Crowley or Ross Byrne are the only fly halves with international prospects whoā€™ll be starting in week in week out.

Iā€™d much rather Ciaran Frawley and Harry Byrne to be playing week in week out than sitting on the subs bench.

You also have the issue of players just not being good enough and taking up spaces too.

I think thereā€™s pluses and negatives to the Irish system but imo thereā€™s plenty of lads good enough who arenā€™t playing enough.

Jack Crowley was playing second fiddle to carberry at Munster for two seasons mainly because carberry was number two for Ireland. If Crowley was playing every week it could have been a different story at the worl cup.

There is other examples as well.

The Irish system is getting a bit bland. We could do with more players experiencing different styles and tactics I believe.

This doesnā€™t really make any sense at all.

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