The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

Why? Game time is vital to a players development.

Ulster signing Ed Byrne off Leinster. Munster tried to get him too. Munster also asked for permission to sign an international loosehead but IRFU declined.

Ridiculous, they’ll spend the same money on 4 lads they don’t need when a loose head is pivotal. They’ll probably bring another few outside backs and a centre when they could move the likes of Shane Daly to 13.

They could do with a quality outside back. Daly isn’t good enough on the wing I can’t imagine him being good enough as a centre.

They could, but that front row gives them no chance against elite teams - every knock on is a penalty, most pivotal lineouts are lost - against the likes of Leinster and the top French teams when it really counts. The Toulouse game when it went to pens a few years ago, the front row was on roller skates. Daly is one-paced, but he is pretty competent and would probably be decent defensively when up to speed.

Tom Farrell is signing for ye at 13 and Sean O’Brien did great stuff at 13 for Connacht in his brief time starting before heading to Exeter.

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World Cup winner Kitschoff coming in as loosehead is one thing, but 30 year old Ed Byrne as loosehead is unlikely to excite the Ravenhill masses. Ulster attendances are well down on what they were a few years ago, will a team of Carlow men with modest success attract more than a team of Ballymena men with no success?

Same story at Munster. Scratching for around also rans with Irish grannies in the premiership to make up the numbers.

Jager and Loughman are both decent and good enough. They do need back up though. I don’t think they have much chance against elite teams anyway without a world class player like Snyman adding massive impact.

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They’re good but I think they’ll get the run around push comes to shove especially as they tire. I’d have kept Snyman, he showed the game changer he is at the weekend. Jean Kleyn is excellent, but he isn’t Snyman. I think we are broadly on the same page.

I think the young backrows and second rows coming through are decent and they can find solutions in the backs - front row is just impossible to carry last 20 in a big game. as we saw against Northampton again.

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The Synman wages are being reinvested into the youth teams I believe.

Darcy has another cut off nucifora today:

Leinster provide too many players to the national squad for it to be an equitable system, and that is the outgoing IRFU performance director’s legacy. One team as the primary supplier to the national squad, a system that rewards pre-existing structures (ie the Leinster school’s system), and one that has allowed other provincial pathways to meander off-course in talent production, quantity and quality is far from ideal.

He can take some criticism for Ulster but Munster had been off course years before he arrived tbf.

So again he agrees with me.

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Imo the irfu would be better served letting sign a loose head and hooker.

From an irfu point of view I want Jack Crowley, edogbo, Tommy ahern etc playing in the biggest games.

I want Munster getting home q/fs etc.

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You’re considerably quieter about the financial doping when it suits you. Silent even. You’ve no interest in fairness, you’re just window licking.



Some tough love seems to be working though.

Munster are starting to produce players again

No harm in that.

Munster providing their fair share now again of underage players.

Should have been without signing him