You could bring a few retired Christian Brothers out of retirement to assist.
It’s the medical unions would go ballistic perhaps.
Nonetheless, just call their bluff. Most teachers would be delighted to have such a publicly important role, and it would be a PR bonanza.
With the wavin pipe bit?
He was some man to shear too, he could even do haircuts with it.
It looks like he did woolys
Once upon a time
Is it fair to run a competitive exam when kids are out of school for two months
Plus half of last year.
I said last year that the class of 2021 would be worse off than class of 2020. When we went remote in middle of March last year, the course was finished in most subjects and we were revising.
The class of 2021 had two months of remote teaching. I deal with very motivated students. They all turned up for live classes but it was not the same. The level of engagement you get with face to face was absent. I had to go back over all that material again this year, and it was like going over it for the very first time.
Unlike most of my colleagues, I had training in online classes. I know that many were doing online classes but they were not using right methods. Even if they were, it would have been next to useless.
Online teaching hits the most vulnerable in society the most and widens the gap between different socio demographics.
I think that is a big issue. At all levels but especially primary and pre primary. A lot of kids live in homes without a book. Arguable they will never catch up now.
What time can we expect an official announcement?
It’s not great for spelling either.
And you trust me to vaccinate a school community?
Predicted grades would be a minefield without 5th year summer exams (online exams wouldn’t be a clear indicator) and 6th year mock exams. You’d imagine it would be very challenging to predict a grade based on more limited set of exams. Doing the Leaving Cert is still the fairest way(with more choice on questions to reflect the shorter teaching terms).
I do. If you can spell “hold out your arrum” you’re good to go.
You should post your suggestion on a teachers forum.
I only have the energy for this place.
It’s the same for everyone though. Could the difficulty of the papers and marking not be adjusted accordingly. The predictive grades seems to be impossible to do fairly.
Did you get what you needed from that @ChairmanDan
I can’t get the details of the special Ed provision and I can’t believe the rubbish questions from the floor