The Seething thread

@thelimericks are seething :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Posting that someone else is seething in the seething thread = ā€œIā€™m fuckin seethingā€ :rage:

Amateur hour

BMB has been on fore tonight. The real seeth is the fellas who cant handle the truth. Thats not sn insult thats a fact of life

This is all very unseemly

As always last thing at night and first thing in the morning, fascinating.


@thelimericks have broken him

Something has anyway, not well at all.

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You could say the corkness is weak in those two boys. In fairness at least that fella goes about his business for the day after he trawls the threads in the morning and late at night, a creature of habit some would say of the man.

Heā€™s married into @thelimericks is he not? 24/7 the poor bastard gets it.


Is that true? :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: well you donā€™t need to be a Psychologist to figure that one out.

I think soā€¦ Itā€™s pretty standard for Cork. For all their sense of superiority, the majority of them go outside the county for marriage/relationship/significant other. Which in itself shows the superiority lark is insecurity and they really just crave our attention.

Or we take the best and most beautiful :man_shrugging:


Thanks bud :relaxed:

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He cries himself to sleep every night.

Explain this to me Gil. How would lads whoā€™ve won 2 all irelands have any claim to be the greatest team of all time?

2 All Irelands?

This is indeed true. For example, my three Cork colleagues in that photo I sent you recently are married to a Limerick woman, a Donegal girl and a Canadian.