The self isolation thread ie Men Sheds Ireland

I’m hurt. It was a Graham Dwyer realted quip. You used to be a fan of it.


@TreatyStones came 5th in quipping.


Fathers of kids 3-13 the bodycoach on youtube has a good daily workout for kids every morning at 9

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I was sitting at the back of the plane

Honestly @Bandage you’re like the lad who took his bicycle to the shop to buy bread.

I went to the bookshop yesterday and bought some educational type wallcharts, books and paint and turned the living room into a mini classroom.

So far the only thing they have learned is that paint destroys table cloths.


Last few days have been torture. I don’t know when I’ll see any of my family again with all the airlines being grounded and being on your own doesn’t really help. I Bloody hope this is all over really soon for everybody. This isn’t really life at all in ways.


There’s a big difference between Living and Existing.

Very true.

Its life Jim, but not as we know it

Its tough for you mate but you’re nearly there. Break up the day into segments and plan it out into things you’d like to do. Read books and do exercise. Spend a bit of time visualising the person you are and the person you’d like to be. It’s a surprisingly easy way of seeing the things you should do at least. You’ll be grand.
And man the fuck up too. You have to spend a bit of time by yourself. You’re not in prison.


Yep there’s always people worse off be another few weeks and hopefully it’s over for everybody. Hope you are well juh.

And get your hands on lots and lots of meat. It’s the only man at times like this.
I fired on 6 lamb chops (ostensibly 2 for the War Office) and will polish them pronto.

Don’t mind all that oul’ scutter about meat. Making your will could pass an hour or 2.
The fun there is in making revisions and envisioning the faces of disaffected cunts.


He brought this on himself. Penance shouldn’t be easy. Repent.

Not sure when it’ll be safe for me to go see my family back in scenic Easf Limerick. At least my mam’s daily “is the airport busy?” texts make me feel at home


Would she message you around the same time each day or would she change it up a bit?

She mixes it up a bit.

I think she kinda thinks this whole Coronavirus is a Dublin thing.

Booooooooooom! 7 days, 2 kids, 1334 pieces, one bad ass campervan.


When is @TreatyStones coming to collect it?


Leaking oil already mechanics :eyes: busy?