The self isolation thread ie Men Sheds Ireland

I only ever took it on a multiple day bender and I’ve never paid for it. Never took a tablet other than a paracetamol

What a shower of losers


Neither did I (in either sense of the phrase) but quit while you’re ahead.

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I’m well aware of my addictive tendencies

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When this cunt of a thing is over and if I see the far side of it with a few bob and my health, I’m going on the mother and father of a session with whomever has an inkling for such a few days


Myself and the missus had agreed (and by agreed I mean she nagged me into promising) that we would hike up Galteemore tomorrow.

It is now CATEGORICALLY my fault that we can’t and nothing to do with the measures announced tonight by Leo.


I’m after buying a new chainsaw, a 60cc 18" bar monster and I’m going to proceed to knock every oak, beech and ash that I’ve been eyeing up for the last 12 months. I’ll draw them back to the homestead with the Case 885XL and MANUALLY split them with my cherished splitting maul (Charlene). The next 2 weeks will see me right for next winter and beyond, real manly stuff


Leave the native trees alone you bollox. On away up to Leitrim and take out those fucking Spruces

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It will warm you twice.

You’ll be all set for the Christmas

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The climate alarmists are gone mate, I can do whatever I want now. There’s a pile of silage wrapping that’s going to get a match in the morning too.


This is a golden age.

The great thing about fire wood is that it grows on trees

Fuck social distancing
Myself and a few of the tans from across the fields building a bit of a barn.

Bag of cans for breakfast.


I have to take a day off the cans

Actually no.

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Seriously mate, are you lashing into cans every night?
I can’t imagine waking up with a shitty head on these days, and you want to be at your peak if this thing picks you

Me at my peak is terrifying

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Is that what your missus said to you?