The self isolation thread ie Men Sheds Ireland

My housemate has just been told to self-isolate for 14 days. She sat beside a confirmed case in her work canteen.

Is she hot tank

Bit of a fever coming on Iā€™d suggest.


Tough luck mate. This is the start of it

Yes she is my italian ex-girl friend, sheā€™s a cracker. Sheā€™s fucking going mental here, emotions are high in this apartment. She wants to message her boss now and tell them to shut the whole place down now and make a damn decision, stop putting it on the doctors. She says she doesnt care if she gets sacked. Iā€™m trying to stop her. I tried to give her a hug and she screamed and said ā€œdont touch me! Stay away!ā€ She hasnā€™t actually been put in self isolation yet sheā€™s just been told to contact work if she had close contact with the confirmed case, which she has. If she doesnt get put in self-isolation Iā€™d be a little frightened for everyone involved. The confirmed case is a Spanish guy who was last home in Spain two weeks ago.

A very dramatic morning in my apartment.


I have also been told to contact my Australian cousin, currently living in the Basque lands, and tell her that she cant stay with us for a week during April anymore. My Italian associate pays me rent so she can put her foot down on these matters. It will be a difficult conversation however, I previously told my cousin she could stay. My cousin is basically trapped in the Basque lands with her work shut down, no pay and no relatives in europe.

You found out she may had the virus and your first reaction was to hug her

Weā€™ve been scoring for the past few weeks anyway


Excuse the use of my 13 year old phrase ā€œscoringā€.

TFK exclusive:

Tank Has Fallen


Tell stay 2 metres away from her his ffs

Itā€™d probably be best practice if ye confined yourselves to just doing it doggy style for the next couple of weeks.


Iā€™m telling you now lads, if youā€™re going off youā€™re while self isolating, get out into the garden and get those jobs you know you have to do done.
I had a terrific day of pruning and repotting plants today, a great feeling of achievement, a wonderful looking front garden and a happy dog who followed me around the place every step.


Iā€™ll tell her that.

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Is the wan you brought to Cark for the weekend a couple of months ago? Iā€™m disappointed it didnā€™t work out for you both.

Did you read the itinerary of that trip?

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I know the feeling mate

Genuinely mate, she could stay with us in manc. We donā€™t even go up to the top floor much.


Same one but we bad already broken up at that point. Now weā€™re just best friends who live together and occasionally sleep together. Basically she doesnt want to stay in Ireland beyond 2020.

That sounds just like my first marriage, except for the best friends and sleeping together bits


Tipp hurlers signing in it seems