Ireland in the EU

Has sinn Fein gone anti europe now? Reflects the head-the-balls elected in February.
Anti everything and pro nothing

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Who is stopping us planting spuds??

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What have Sinn Fein, or any party, to do with it?

This was in your first post. Do you now agree that we have got a lot from our membership of the EU?

We got a few motorways?

Ireland has gone from being one of the poorest countries in Europe to one of the richest. Emigration is a thing of the past. Can you not be happy about that and quit your whining?

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Who’s rich? … We’re saddled with trillions of debt that will take generations to repay because we let the ECB dictate to us. What you mean is some individuals are doing fine…that’s the real Irish story alright since joining the EU. The I’m alright jack mentality that has destroyed any sense of community in Ireland… We’re a mini America now, loaded with debt and obesity. Easy see why you like the current status quo.

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God be with the 70’s, when we were all picking Cardamon pods and harvesting Cinnamon for the mug of tae.
This @Thomas_Brady mush hasn’t a notion.


I emigrated from Ireland due to lack of opportunity you fuckwit. The standard of living is higher for everyone in Ireland than it was. The opportunities young people have nowadays are tremendous, quit your whining.

He hasn’t a notion. We didn’t have a pot to piss in, and he thinks all we got out of it was a few roads.


Fair going to get 50 replies to such an obvious wind up

Yeah? In the 70s 55% of our exports were to Britain… Up to Brexit a few years ago our exports to the UK were 53%… Go Europe :laughing:.

Our corporation tax is nothing to do with the EU.
And the greatest growth in our nation’s history was when we threw off the European fixed exchange rate and were able to float our own currency in the 90s and bolstered our own exports… It was the greatest economic lift we’ve seen. This was all but destroyed when we gave up our own currency.

The EU is effectively set up to benefit Germany. They are the biggest exporters in EU and the only defence against giants like them was being able to control your own currency… It’s capitalism 101…you create debt and saddle weaker nations with it to sustain the elite. That’s what the EU is in a nutshell.

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We were like Albania.

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And that’s not much of an exaggeration, seriously. Lads who didn’t live through it haven’t a clue. It was an eye opener when you left the country, and an even bigger one when you went back for a visit.

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No one gives a fuck about the 70s you gimpy cunt.

But you and nutters like you would send us back there in a heartbeat.

Away and fuck… Your generation have sold the country out from underneath every other generation after you… We were like Albania they say… Well what have you turned us into? Homelessness off the scale, trillions of debt, a landlords and vulture funds dream and on and on… You auld bastards got a sniff of a few shillings and you fucked the rest of us. There won’t even be a fish to be caught or a spud to be dug up for my daughter’s generation… If they don’t die after being conscription to the EU army.

I’d rather be broke than be governed by the Germans

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Why are you living here then?