The Sobriety Thread

This thread disgusts me… lads marking off how many days they haven’t touched a drop in. Just shows the grip drink has over Irish people when they have to do a victory dance for not drinking in a week or two.

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Nearly 2 weeks.

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Haven’t been inside the doors of a pub since new years eve.:ronnyroar:

That’s the way to operate. I don’t see this need to go cold turkey, other than to try and sound like the big hero. If you want a couple of bottles of beer on a friday evening or a couple of pints of sunday afternoon, then have them and leave it at it. No need to be doing to Kevin Barry on it.


I’m doing a dry January to piss people like @farmerinthecity off.

I’ve come to the conclusion that long term, total sobriety is too hard. Social life becomes non existent. It makes work “social” occasions very difficult. I believe the inability to have a few drinks with clients and be good company to be career limiting. Even if you can be good company sober, no client wants you hanging around with them after they’ve had a few pints.

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Kevin Barry was killed by the Brits. No one is suggesting that for the forum alcoholics.

I think we should hear him out Fagan.

Similar to @Big_Dan_Campbell, @TreatyStones and @briantinnion - I’m not on a specific dry January but I often go a few weeks without alcohol. I have a glass of wine or pint of (craft) beer on an intermittent basis to accompany dinner but I’m going on the lash less regularly these days. I still enjoy a good session of lager drinking in the pub but it’d be once every 3-5 weeks now. Drinking too much alcohol is contrary to my fitness, diet and nutrition and mindfulness regimes.


Some of us are trying to quit alcohol for good so maybe a bit of understanding wouldn’t go a stray

Had a right skinful in The Oarsman last Saturday, has that Colombian bird got the bullet?

Been on the dry since New Years Eve, not much of a challenge really as I wouldn’t categorise myself as a big drinker. That will change on Saturday when I go to Nottingham.

I’m a vegetarian for two days now. I feel far superior to people who eat meat


You are. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re reaching levels of Christ consciousness by Easter, with a chromosomal leap in the bag by Christmas. You’ll be giving it big licks, and as long as you keep TFK posted on the journey, we’ll be giving you big likes.

It’s unreal how sharp I feel. I’m in a cafe at London Bridge having a skinny latte. I feel like I can take over the world


Congratulations to all the forumites who are two weeks off the hooch today.


I’ve given up red meat also

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Your medichlorian count must be off the charts!


Haven’t been in there much lately, mate but I would say so. Haven’t seen her in months which is a shame. There’s a ginger cunt working there for the last 6 months who is as ignorant as the day as long and a number of incidents have put us off boozing there to be honest.

Flesh that out mate

He’s a ginger cunt and nobody likes him.