The Sobriety Thread

On day three but I’ll be off the wagon in a big way again Saturday. I’m going try stay quiet for a few weeks after that though.

11 days but I have a social event tomorrow with former colleagues and I fear I’ll lapse. :cry: :beer:

Aren’t ye great lads altogether


Are ye alcoholics on a programme or what? Couple of glasses of wine on Friday and Saturday night. It’s great being a moderate drinker who can enjoy a glass of wine and not a binger who has to give it up for a weeks at a time because they have no self-control and will end up drinking bleach if they start.


Actually I’m wrong. I had a glass on wine Friday and Saturday but wine doesn’t count :slight_smile:

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The best thing about going dry is the taste of the first few pints when you back on it.

Tried to just have a glass Saturday with a rikki lake. Ended up finishing the bottle and digging into the leftover Christmas Baileys.

Actually I’m wrong too. 5 (five) days. I’d 2 (two) pints of Smithwick’s blonde ale in The Marker on Friday night.

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I’m in the lead so.


Thanks very much, mate.

Or you’re way behind

There’s no winners on this thread.

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I’m a moderate drinker who can also give it up for weeks at a time, I must be the greatest of all.

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11 days Fagan, I won’t breach the fortnight I fear however

Fuck it.

Ye all have problems lads, bar those of us who never stopped.


:joy: I’m pretty sure not being able to go dry in January is more of a sign you have a problem.

P.S. I’m not suggesting any of you great lads have a drink problem but say for example the wino alcoholic in the street isn’t going to go dry for January

I had a lovely cold can of Guinness last night while doing some late night work. It tasted lovely.

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I hope your cloak still fits after ‘the’ christmas Liam.


Had you none of the Blackstairs shit lying around?


I can’t remember the last time I let loose (cc @tazdedub) on here after a few drinks. Its long overdue.

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