The Sobriety Thread

Signing back in. In the past I’d have had a few beers yesterday to take the edge off, but I stayed strong, lugged down water, took my milk thistle, vitamin B and ate well and I’m grand, if a little tired today.
Unless any of the lads get divorced and marry again I’d say that’s the last stag I’ll be going on. Looking forward to being sober at the wedding in 5 weeks time.

[QUOTE=“Thrawneen, post: 918344, member: 129”]Signing back in. In the past I’d have had a few beers yesterday to take the edge off, but I stayed strong, lugged down water, took my milk thistle, vitamin B and ate well and I’m grand, if a little tired today.
Unless any of the lads get divorced and marry again I’d say that’s the last stag I’ll be going on. Looking forward to being sober at the wedding in 5 weeks time.[/QUOTE]
How’s your mickey, pal?

Haven’t washed it since Saturday morning, mate. I didn’t think I’d be capable of standing in the shower yesterday for a sufficient length of time to get clean.

Claus Lundekvam…blimey

I’ve been sober since 3 September. Some day soon I’m gonna go mad and have around 13 pints of Beck’s but it’s a month of sobriety now.

My reasoning was to keep weight off post hip surgery to the extent possible given my exercise options are limited. It’s not easy when I’ve a load of cakes and apple tarts to eat though.

I also cut down before my 5th September operation date as part of my prehab regime. I had a few pints with Rocko and some other chums on August 9th after the Dublin-Monaghan match and I had a few pints and glasses of wine on August 29th and 30th.

So I’ve only had 4 drinking episodes in the last 9 weeks and I’ve been completely sober for exactly 4 weeks. This is unprecedented in my adult life to date.

[QUOTE=“Colin Montgomerie, post: 1025481, member: 9”]I’ve been sober since 3 September. Some day soon I’m gonna go mad and have around 13 pints of Beck’s but it’s a month of sobriety now.

My reasoning was to keep weight off post hip surgery to the extent possible given my exercise options are limited. It’s not easy when I’ve a load of cakes and apple tarts to eat though.

I also cut down before my 5th September operation date as part of my prehab regime. I had a few pints with Rocko and some other chums on August 9th after the Dublin-Monaghan match and I had a few pints and glasses of wine on August 29th and 30th.

So I’ve only had 4 drinking episodes in the last 9 weeks and I’ve been completely sober for exactly 4 weeks. This is unprecedented in my adult life to date.[/QUOTE]

The first night you go back boozing you will be bananas after 6 pints and won’t recall anything after that. Not many men could drink 13 pints fresh

I’m five days sober, reckon I won’t drink for the remainder of the calendar year.

Sober since Sept 7th. Wedding Friday. Glug.

Maybe I’ll ease myself back in with a few craft beers before hitting proper stuff like Beck’s or Heineken.

2 glasses of wine at lunch. Takes the edge off

Tempted to avoid getting drunk for rest of year.

Drink without getting drunk rather than not drinking.

[QUOTE=“Colin Montgomerie, post: 1025481, member: 9”]I’ve been sober since 3 September. Some day soon I’m gonna go mad and have around 13 pints of Beck’s but it’s a month of sobriety now.

My reasoning was to keep weight off post hip surgery to the extent possible given my exercise options are limited. It’s not easy when I’ve a load of cakes and apple tarts to eat though.

I also cut down before my 5th September operation date as part of my prehab regime. I had a few pints with Rocko and some other chums on August 9th after the Dublin-Monaghan match and I had a few pints and glasses of wine on August 29th and 30th.

So I’ve only had 4 drinking episodes in the last 9 weeks and I’ve been completely sober for exactly 4 weeks. This is unprecedented in my adult life to date.[/QUOTE]

You have also greatly improved your healing rate during the abstinence from booze.

You couldn’t handle proper beer mate. Stick to the horse piss.

I can vouch for this. Drank for the first time in 8 weeks last weekend. Can’t remember anything past approx. 7th pint and have been a ball or anxiety ever since. It would make you consider giving it up altogether.

It’s the same as match fitness. If you haven’t ran in 8 weeks and you go and play a match you wouldn’t expect to have the legs to last the full game and you are going to be sore and stiff the next day.

All about easing yourself back in. i have had four heavy weeks of it including a 5am finish Friday night but i was in rare form on the Saturday night as i had the match fitness in the tank

No way am I sticking to craft beer, mate. It would be a once off.


I drank Saturday just gone for the first time in about 3 months and this is exactly what went down…out of it big time. That will be me now till Christmas.

I drank Saturday just gone for the first time in about 3 months and this is exactly what went down…out of it big time. That will be me now till Christmas.[/QUOTE]

Used to happen far too often to me when I was younger. Go off the beer for 3 or 4 weeks for a match and then have 7 or 8 fast pints and end up balobaas not remembering half the night and an unmerciful hangover the next day.

A lad from home called Mushroom gave me great advice one day which has stood to me “There is only one way to go to a Wedding* and that is fine and seedy”

*can be applied to any social event where a big beer will take place

I drank Saturday just gone for the first time in about 3 months and this is exactly what went down…out of it big time. That will be me now till Christmas.[/QUOTE]
Was this while on holidays with Princess, mate? How did that go down?

drinking is a mugs game
