The Sport of Kings & Equine Matters 🐐

[quote=“fenwaypark, post: 872463, member: 276”]home farm misses december gold cup after poor scope. was as low as 6s this morning.
Kapga De Cerisy the one I like in this.

Was very impressed the way he scooted clear of a fair field lto at sandown. He’s been raised 11lbs for that and will need a career best to win but odds of 12/1 are fair I think.

One slight worry would be 2 of his poorest performances have come at Prestbury Park but I’m offsetting that against how well he ran last month which showed himself to be in fine fettle.

Will be disappointed if he doesn’t give me a run for my money

posted this on wrong thread, sorry fenners
Tidy Zag pissed in Sun in COrk. will defy penalty again tomorrow…in tramore
max bet and nap

Best price 5/6 :oops:

[quote=“thedancingbaby, post: 872964, member: 48”]Kapga De Cerisy the one I like in this.

Was very impressed the way he scooted clear of a fair field lto at sandown. He’s been raised 11lbs for that and will need a career best to win but odds of 12/1 are fair I think.

One slight worry would be 2 of his poorest performances have come at Prestbury Park but I’m offsetting that against how well he ran last month which showed himself to be in fine fettle.

Will be disappointed if he doesn’t give me a run for my money[/quote]

Effortless victory, won like an odds on should. Looks like a serious recruit for John Quinn.

I’ve doubled him with the one KC put up in Tramore. Only 4/1 or thereabouts in total but couldn’t be lumping on an odds on shot first time out.

Did the same.


I’ve stuck a few quid on Ghizao in the big one in Huntingdon

Riverside Theatre wins the Peterborough Chase.

Well timed from Andy Mac says Dessie - not what I was thinking!

Andy Mac you legend - superb ride.

Looks like Tidy Zag just about got up. :clap:

And thanks to @Kid Chocolate for the heads up on that lad. Nice to make a few quid from races you know nothing about.

Exactly, thought it was a terrible ride.

It was in its fuck. Any lad who gives a lead like that to horses in Tramore needs their head examined. He got very very lucky.

just seen result. RT was the one i feared, especially when i read he had breathing op in summer.

He looked beaten after a circuit. Was niggled along for half the race.

Great tipping @Kid Chocolate - thanks for that

well done tidy zag backers esp KC