The waxing lyrical about the issues with the Mayo Footballing Psyche Thread

children drunks GIF

Good one Mike.

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But a simpleton being allowed more rope is a lot more dangerous to the greater good than a quiet modest simpleton.

That video and slant might trigger a few AOS fanboys here.

He is one useless cunt.

And lads on here were saying he’d be man of the match?

An absolute useless plank who lived up to his name. Still scoreless after another AI final


He’s toxic.


When he did that trading places programme and the millionaire NFL player was more humble and grounded than him


We have to be careful though.

Some lads oh here hit a pique of fury when AOS receives perfectly valid criticism.

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The TFK AOS fanboy club were sent home with the tae in their mug


Some still defend him. It’s a cult :smiley:

If Mayo were serious they would never start him again after yesterday, he should be a peripheray squad player at best.

The cult followers have decided they like the emperor with no clothes approach though…


They made a holy show out of themselves there yesteray. No doubt the are feeling rather foolish right about now

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Would potentially best use of Aido be to bring him on after 55-60 minutes

Get the crowd wound up
stick him on edge of square and drop a few high balls in and get lads running off him

Always makes time for the fans

And a passenger.

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AOS looked very emotional before throw. Thought he was about to cry.

O’Hora comes across as a shaper too with his meditation stuff.

Martin McDermott and Jimmy :rofl:


Jimmy holding the fag low to stay out of the pic lest his clean living reputation be sullied.

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He hit Jimmy an unmerciful wallop.