🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

I’d wear shorts to work not a bother except i’ve seen better legs hanging out of a nest


Dont. Take the cold ahead of the uncomfortableness

I’ve been the same, shorts every day. No plans to go back yet either. I don’t mind the cold so I’ll hold tough another few months


you’d easily get until November out of it, if you weren’t out and about after dark

The country is fucked

+1… Now that I’m WFH until next May, I’ll be in shorts all year round. I’d always wear them out walking Brady on weekends all year round as it is.

It’s great to have found a few short pants brothers.

Is short pants the new nutri-bullet?

A smashing evening out there now.

Gone from rotten to wild there now

I’ve great legs so I wear shorts most days.

Wild night lads

A lovely night ahead.


Did Cork survive again?

Tá sé an-fhliuch

Fine and wild again there now.

Stunning contrasts.

Arrived home to this. Didn’t think it was that cold out tbh. In fairness twas the kids who lit it. Thought twould be a nice surprise


I’m sitting in a car park in Killarney watching a monsoon outside… these storms in August is fucked up. The planet is fucked.

Looks good boy :+1: horrible here, Donoughmore yesterday awful, it’ll be September by the time I can give the house a 2 nd coat, bastard of a country at times

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