🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

I’ve gone from 15 to 45 in the space of a day. At no point did I say it had no impact on lads. It’s well above the melting point of a roaster.

of course we’re roasters for fuck sake.

My nana used to give us two plates, one for the meat and the veg, and a separate big plate for spuds of all sorts. It’s not dinner unless it has spuds.

I went from 7 to 42 one time, and was panned out for a few days as a result :frowning:

Not sure if roasters would become even more of a roaster in that scenario, or whether it would unleash the inner roaster on all of us

Fuck it, I could have monsooned the Sahara after a half hour

that’s savage mild to savage hot.

The shirt sleeves would be rolled up and the flask of tay put away.

I was already in shorts at the 15 degrees place. I’d no card left to play

It’s not the heat but the humidity that gets you.

Classic roaster. It’s clammy.


Your man trying to show he is cultured because he experienced heat before :rofl: - Pure roaster carry on.


that’s real brah. the humidity woes are real.

I got caught out in Philadelphia one time, had jeans on from the airport, landed, went for a walk to get the lay of the land. A native said that I might want to change my trousers. I be grand.

I was fucking destroyed within 2 blocks. I was standing in shop doors to get a blast of air con


Experienced the same in Darwin. Was going out for a pint and so, as per my roaster instincts, that meant throwing on a shirt and jeans. Two sips into first pint I had to abandon ship, go back to the hostel and throw on a t-shirt and shorts.

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I went to the states in mid 90s with a pal. Drove from SF to Vegas in middle of July. Hired a convertible. It was close to 50 degrees in the desert. Roof never came down once. Not sure we brought any extra water with us in case of a breakdown and no mobile phones then either.

I’m actually very uncomfortable in my own skin when I go to these hot places.

I know it’s a fashion faux pas to wear socks with tackies. I hate sandals or flip flops so they are a no go. I hate wearing tackies without socks. The ankle socks are a god send

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Thelma and Louise.

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Proper roaster carry on is telling people about great places to go in “Porta” del carmen", which turn out to be Irish bars, or Irish owned cafes.
“Ask for Juan, and tell them Seaney from Laois sent you. He’ll take care of you. He’ll remember me.”

Thelma Mansfield and Derek Davis

Spuds is the dinner. The rest is only decorations.


Whats wrong with that?

Fuck all. It should be in the things that are right thread

Pea Souper after rolling in off the Irish Sea on to the Peninsula here.

Early summer like conditions earlier this evening playing 5 a side in castletroy college.

Was lovely.