🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

Gridlock going the other way up the Howth Road through Killester & towards Raheny. I slipped down a couple of side streets & parked the car & walked from there to the school with my older lad. Manky, slushy stuff soaking into the shoes & socks & of course I hadn’t packed spare shoes/wellies/socks in his bag. If only I’d bothered to read the class WhatsApp group this morning before leaving when the spare clothing items topic was being discussed. I’ve cancelled a luncheon in town as I can’t be arsed heading back out in it.

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pitch inspection at 1 guys

The Chicken Littles are out in force today. An aul wan in work came up to me there in sheer bewilderment that there would be snow on 1st March. She claimed if there was ever any doubt about global warming, there was none now. What could I say.

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I had the misfortune of hearing Jennifer Zamperalli on 2FM earlier and said basically the same. That this was a serious wake up call on the effects of global warming.

This event really seems to have slipped under the radar.


You’ll get a pass on this occasion, but you may need to pull up your socks a wee bit.

A new study has found that the extreme rainfall over two days last October which caused widespread flooding in Midleton and other parts of east Cork, was over twice as likely to happen at current global temperatures compared to pre-industrial times, due to climate change.

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Brandon will prob get a 250k pay off from RTE

It’s regrettable it was missed but there was some complex dynamics going on with the upper air flow.


Complex dynamics in the upper air, good man Brandon :smiley:

Ha, just read that :rofl:

Why? He works for Met Eireann

Snow in Limerick now. Wet as an Otters pocket though. No stick to it

Warming up in Dublin quickly. Big melt coming on.

A glorious sunny spring day :sunflower:

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Two posts in a row…
@Mac’s famous comprehension skills at play here.

Carnage on Mount Anville Road earlier as no less than 6 double decker Dublin Buses got stuck either going up or going down. Other cars trying to weave between them ran into trouble then too.

Ironically that road is usually full in the morning with mummies in large SUVs/4x4s dropping their daughters off to Mount Anville but these were mostly absent today. They clearly took a look at the 1-2 inches of snow and decided it was too risky for the Land Rover Discovery to handle.


My GAA game tomorrow is ON

I’m going on the lash later and a bit concerned about getting into and around town - do you think the snow will be gone by 6ish?

Awaiting to hear in Ballymuns under soil heating is working

fucking depressing, is all I can say about the weather

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