🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

She must have been oblivious to the big snow of March 2018.

post hoc, ergo propter hoc

Temps seem a bit too high and forecast for it to freeze and cause more issues?

winter fail GIF


This is exactly my fear.

I hope you’re right but the snow is not melting around here anyway and Accuweather saying real feel of -5 although it is a shit app.

Seems to be melting quickly from what I can see.

I ache whenever I see that :weary:

A sickener

Used to love a snow day, office would close early and then it would be straight to the pub, happened one year during Cheltenham. Now its VPN in from home on the laptop, that bastarding Covid has a lot to answer for.


Windy out. Had to pick up the bins twice. Wedged them next a wall. Hopefully be safe

Colleagues in south city centre dublin complaining when ‘twas hardly The Day After Tomorrow type conditions outside. Said to them they’d want to try sitting in the stand in Mallow for a Munster senior hurling league game a few days after Christmas…didn’t have the impact I thought it would have…


Irish people are extremely excitable. They love gossip and over reacting.


Mrs Hunt got caught rightly today. She walks from Heuston to Harcourt St and back again in the evening. She said walking is quicker and safer thsn the Luas. Anyhoo, she had to go up Grafton St this morning to purchase new shoes and socks as the ones she was wearing were soaked. She said she got a pair of runners for 20 snots in M&S that were reduced from 70 so kind of did ok out of it.

She did surely.


An absolutely cracking day to be out and about

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It is aye


Do the punching machine there on the corner and tell me what score you get!

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Only down for a day trip back in PDC now I’d be too old for that lark🤣

Playa Blanca?

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