šŸŒ¬ The Weather Thread part 2

That sort of means it might not dry up like other years.

Sort of?

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Aye, Ireland notoriously cant take rain.

Had to get the USB fan out for the home office here. An absolute scorcher of a March 20th today.

Badly need a drop of rain


I have my wool wash drying on the line - not just yet

Enjoy it as it wonā€™t be lasting long. Itā€™s going to be cold and skuttery next week. Real miserable stuff.

Cheers mate. Iā€™ll put the bike back in the shed this weekend

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What a smashing morning to be out


Fantastic new weather on RTE website.

Itā€™s pissing outside now though unfortunatelyā€¦

This is the rainfall radar right now. If youā€™re in a shower you are just very unlucky.

A passing squall you might call it.
Fine now againā€¦

This morning was as cold a morning as Iā€™ve witnessed. Whether itā€™s to do with the north westerly wind I dont know, but fuck me, itā€™s cold.

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Itā€™s down for the week.

I was reading earlier it could be like this for the next six weeks.

Jasus, Iā€™m way behind in the gardenā€¦

Jayses, youā€™d be at the stage now with the weather, youā€™d wonder should you put the Christmas tree up

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This would be a nice job for you @BruidheanChaorthainn

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I must look into this.

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