🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

Never ever noticed an odour from it tbh.

Maybe it wasn’t the plant. Fine course. I joined it after for the distance membership

Back 9 won’t be open until Feb after today.

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Grand. Be back in for the breakfast. Mighty feeding there. The only reason I go down tbh

Is your house safe from flood threat?

Even the tide won’t take him out

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Tis, we’re on a slope so the water funnels out on the road and away down the hill

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It’s fair wicked

You got it too?

Was at a wedding there a few weeks back, shocking

serious rain last night…Douglas is flooded. Drove down after football last night and they were swimming on tbeir with their KCs protected held aloft up in the air.

Fuck cork

@Chucks_Nwoko you ok? I’m melting here.

I got in early to beat the heat this morning. Curiosity got the better of me and I went for a stroll around Darling Harbour. My god, it was scorching. Got caught at the lights on the way back. Probably standing 2 minutes with no cover. Lesser men would’ve wilted, but my sallow skin really soaked in the rays. Having said that, I’ll not be so curious next time.


Sounds like a lovely place to live


I got wet and cold this morning

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Is the M8 flooded yet?

Tis right miserable auld weather out there today. Paddy Kavanagh weather. The kind of day you’d need the lights on on the car the whole day long.

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You should always drive with dipped headlights on at this time of year.


do people stop at pedestrian traffic lights in Australia? fucking weirdos.